Causes and Consequences of Human Migration: An Evolutionary Perspective

Causes and Consequences of Human Migration: An Evolutionary Perspective

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Cambridge University Press, 11/8/2012
EAN 9781107012868, ISBN10: 1107012864

Hardcover, 568 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 3.2 cm
Language: English

Migration is a widespread human activity dating back to the origin of our species. Advances in genetic sequencing have greatly increased our ability to track prehistoric and historic population movements and allowed migration to be described both as a biological and socioeconomic process. Presenting the latest research, Causes and Consequences of Human Migration provides an evolutionary perspective on human migration past and present. Crawford and Campbell have brought together leading thinkers who provide examples from different world regions, using historical, demographic and genetic methodologies, and integrating archaeological, genetic and historical evidence to reconstruct large-scale population movements in each region. Other chapters discuss established questions such as the Basque origins and the Caribbean slave trade. More recent evidence on migration in ancient and present day Mexico is also presented. Pitched at a graduate audience, this book will appeal to anyone with an interest in human population movements.

1. Perspectives on human migration
introduction Benjamin C. Campbell and Michael H. Crawford
Part I. Theory
2. Genetic evidence concerning the origins and dispersals of modern humans Mark Stoneking
3. The biology of human migration
the ape that won't commit? Jonathon C. K. Wells and Jay T. Stock
4. Evolutionary basis of human migration Benjamin C. Campbell and Lindsay Barone
5. Evolutionary consequences of human migration
genetic, historic and archaeological perspectives in the Caribbean and Aleutian Islands Michael H. Crawford and Dixie West
6. Kin-structured migration and colonization Alan G. Fix
7. The role of diet and epigenetics in migration
molecular mechanisms underlying the consequences of change M. J. Mosher
Part II. Geography and Migration
Section 1. Africa
8. Population structure and migration in Africa
correlations between archaeological, linguistic, and genetic data J. B. Hirbo, A. Ranciaro and S. A. Tishkoff
9. Human migrations in North Africa Philippe Lefèvre-Witier
10. Identity, voice, community
new African immigrants to Kansas John M. Janzen
11. The African colonial migration into Mexico
history and biological consequences Rodrigo Barquera and Víctor Acuña-Alonzo
Section 2. Europe
12. Demic expansion or cultural diffusion
migration and Basque origins Kristen L. Young, Eric J. Devor and Michael H. Crawford
13. Consequences of migration among the Roma
immunoglobulin markers as a tool in investigating population relationships Moses S. Schanfield, Raquel A. Lazarin and Eric Sunderland
14. Migration, assimilation and admixture
genes of a Scot? K. G. Beaty
15. Mennonite migrations
genetic and demographic consequences Phillip E. Melton
Section 3. Asia
16. Human migratory history
through the looking glass of genetic geography of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Igor Mokrousov
17. Peopling the Tibetan plateau
migrants, genes, and genetic adaptations Mark Aldenderfer
18. Migration, globalization, instability and Chinese in Peru Felix Moos
19. The great blue highway
human migration in the Pacific Elizabeth Matisoo-Smith
Section 4. Americas
20. Migration of pre-Hispanic and contemporary human Mexican populations María de Lourdes Muñoz, Eduardo Ramos, Alvaro Díaz-Badillo, María Concepción Morales-Gómez, Rocío Gómez and Gerardo Pérez-Ramirez
21. A review of the Tupi expansion in the Amazon Lilian Rebellato and William I. Woods
22. Molecular consequences of migration and urbanization in the Peruvian Amazonia Anne Justice, Bartholomew Dean and Michael H. Crawford
23. Migration in Afro-Brazilian rural communities
crossing historical, demographic, and genetic data Carlos Eduardo Guerra Amorim, Carolina Carvalho Gontijo and Silviene Fabiana de Oliveira
Section 5. Caribbean
24. Indentured migration, gene flow and the formation of the Indo-Costa Rican population Lorena Madrigal, Monica Batistapau, Loredana Castrì, Flory Otárola, Mwenza Blell, Ernesto Ruiz, Ramiro Barrantes, Donata Luiselli and Davide Pettener
25. Causes and consequences of migration to the Caribbean islands and Central America
an evolutionary success story Christine Phillips-Krawczak
26. Why do we migrate?
A retrospective Dennis H. O'Rourke