Cellular Biophysics and Modeling: A Primer on the Computational Biology of Excitable Cells

Cellular Biophysics and Modeling: A Primer on the Computational Biology of Excitable Cells

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Greg Conradi Smith
Cambridge University Press, 3/31/2019
EAN 9781107005365, ISBN10: 1107005361

Hardcover, 394 pages, 25.3 x 17.8 x 2.4 cm
Language: English

What every neuroscientist should know about the mathematical modeling of excitable cells. Combining empirical physiology and nonlinear dynamics, this text provides an introduction to the simulation and modeling of dynamic phenomena in cell biology and neuroscience. It introduces mathematical modeling techniques alongside cellular electrophysiology. Topics include membrane transport and diffusion, the biophysics of excitable membranes, the gating of voltage and ligand-gated ion channels, intracellular calcium signalling, and electrical bursting in neurons and other excitable cell types. It introduces mathematical modeling techniques such as ordinary differential equations, phase plane, and bifurcation analysis of single-compartment neuron models. With analytical and computational problem sets, this book is suitable for life sciences majors, in biology to neuroscience, with one year of calculus, as well as graduate students looking for a primer on membrane excitability and calcium signalling.

1. Introduction
Part I. Models and Odes
2. Compartmental modeling
3. Phase diagrams
4. Ligands, receptors and rate laws
5. Function families and characteristic times
6. Bifurcation diagrams of scalar ODEs
Part II. Passive Membranes
7. The Nernst equilibrium potential
8. The current balance equation
9. GHK theory of membrane permeation
Part III. Voltage-Gated Currents
10. Voltage-gated ionic currents
11. Regenerative ionic currents and bistability
12. Voltage-clamp recording
13. Hodgkin-Huxley model of the action potential
Part IV. Excitability and Phase Planes
14. The Morris-Lecar model
15. Phase plane analysis
16. Linear stability analysis
Part V. Oscillations and Bursting
17. Type II excitability and oscillations
18. Type I excitability and oscillations
19. The low-threshold calcium spike
20. Synaptic currents.