Cerium anomalies and paleoredox (Elements in Geochemical Tracers in Earth System Science)

Cerium anomalies and paleoredox (Elements in Geochemical Tracers in Earth System Science)

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Rosalie Tostevin
Cambridge University Press, 2/25/2021
EAN 9781108810739, ISBN10: 110881073X

Paperback, 30 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Ce anomalies track changes in oxygen availability due to the anomalous redox-sensitivity of Ce compared with the other rare earth elements. The proxy systematics have been calibrated experimentally as well as in modern anoxic water bodies. Ce anomalies are unique because they track intermediate manganous conditions, rather than fully anoxic conditions. In addition, they are sensitive to local–regional redox conditions, and can be analysed in chemical sediments such as carbonate rocks. This makes them especially useful as a tool to track local oxygen distribution in shallow shelf environments, where biodiversity is highest. This review focusses on the systematics of the Ce anomaly proxy, the preservation and extraction of the signal in sedimentary rocks, and the potential applications of the proxy.

1. Introduction
2. Underpinning of the Proxy
3. Materials and Methods
4. Case Studies
5. Future Prospects
6. Key Papers.