Choice and the Legal Order: Rising above Politics (Law in Context)

Choice and the Legal Order: Rising above Politics (Law in Context)

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Norman D. Lewis
Edition: First Edition, 4/1/1996
EAN 9780406050502, ISBN10: 0406050503

Paperback, 210 pages, 22.2 x 14 x 1.9 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Explores the legal foundations of contemporary politics and morality, revealing how commitment to democratic principles has implications for law in all its manifestations - academic, professional and political.

Part I. Choice and the Legal Order
1. Choice amongst equals
Part II. The Social Dimension
2. The 'Federal' state
3. Community and society
4. Associations, choice and labour
5. Markets, competition, privatisation, and regulation
Part III. The Legal Order
6. The social market economy and the constitutional framework