Cognition and Motivation: Forging an Interdisciplinary Perspective

Cognition and Motivation: Forging an Interdisciplinary Perspective

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Cambridge University Press, 11/19/2012
EAN 9780521888677, ISBN10: 0521888670

Hardcover, 528 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 3.3 cm
Language: English

This collection examines the many internal and external factors affecting cognitive processes. Editor Shulamith Kreitler brings together a wide range of international contributors to produce an outstanding assessment of recent research in the field. These contributions go beyond the standard approach of examining the effects of motivation and emotion to consider the contextual factors that may influence cognition. These broad and varied factors include personality, genetics, mental health, biological evolution, culture and social context. By contextualizing cognition, this volume draws out the practical applications of theoretical cognitive research while bringing separate areas of scholarship into meaningful dialogue.

Foreword Jerome Bruner
Introduction Shulamith Kreitler
Part I. Explanatory Concepts and Contexts
1. The role of epistemic motivations in knowledge formation Arie W. Kruglanski and Anna Sheveland
2. The structure and dynamics of cognitive orientation
a motivational approach to cognition Shulamith Kreitler
3. Personality and cognition Phillip L. Ackerman
4. Cognition in the context of psychopathology
a selective review Josef Zihl, Nicole Szesny and Thomas Nickel
5. The impact of anxiety on cognitive performance Michael W. Eysenck
6. Biological foundations
the SEEKING system as an affective source for motivation and cognition Jeff Stewart and Jaak Panksepp
7. Motivation, cognition and emotion
a phylogenetic-interdisciplinary approach Manfred Wimmer
8. The social and cultural context of cognition
a knowledge perspective Evelyn Au, Wendy Wan and Chi-yue Chiu
9. Biological models of organisms and their evolutionary change
their importance for epistemology and different cultural traditions Karl Edlinger
10. What do genes have to do with cognition? Wendy Johnson
11. Brain, behavior and cognition Norbert Jausovec and Ksenija Jausovec
12. Physical health and cognition Shulamith Kreitler, Kineret Weissler and Frida Barak
Part II. Domains of Cognition in Context
13. Motivation, goals, thinking and problem solving K. J. Gilhooly and E. Fioratou
14. Motivation and heuristic thinking Dan Zakay and Dida Fleisig
15. Motivation, decision theory and human decision making Ola Svenson
16. Cognitive science and knowledge management
reflecting the limits of decision making Rainer P. Born and Eva Gatarik
17. Interest and cognition
the case of L- and science Ola Svenson
18. Metacognition, motivation, and affect in the school context
metacognitive experiences in the regulation of learning Anastasia Efklides
19. Motivation in language Klaus-Uwe Panther
20. Intelligence and cognitive exceptionality Edward Ziegler
21. How conscious thought, imagination and fantasy may relate to cognition and motivation Jerome L. Singer and Dorothy G. Singer
22. Creativity and motivation Mark A. Runco and David McGarva