Combinatorics of Symmetric Designs: 5 (New Mathematical Monographs, Series Number 5)

Combinatorics of Symmetric Designs: 5 (New Mathematical Monographs, Series Number 5)

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Yury J. Ionin, Mohan S. Shrikhande
Cambridge University Press, 5/25/2006
EAN 9780521818339, ISBN10: 0521818338

Hardcover, 534 pages, 23.6 x 16 x 3 cm
Language: English

The aim of this book is to provide a unified exposition of the theory of symmetric designs with emphasis on recent developments. The authors cover the combinatorial aspects of the theory giving particular attention to the construction of symmetric designs and related objects. The last five chapters of the book are devoted to balanced generalized weighing matrices, decomposable symmetric designs, subdesigns of symmetric designs, non-embeddable quasi-residual designs, and Ryser designs. Most results in these chapters have never previously appeared in book form. The book concludes with a comprehensive bibliography of over 400 entries. Researchers in all areas of combinatorial designs, including coding theory and finite geometries, will find much of interest here. Detailed proofs and a large number of exercises make this book suitable as a text for an advanced course in combinatorial designs.

1. Combinatorics of finite sets
2. Introduction to designs
3. Vector spaces over finite fields
4. Hadamard matrices
5. Resolvable designs
6. Symmetric designs and t-designs
7. Symmetric designs and regular graphs
8. Block intersection structure of designs
9. Difference sets
10. Balanced generalized weighing matrices
11. Decomposable symmetric designs
12. Subdesigns of symmetric designs
13. Non-embeddable quasi-residual designs
14. Ryser designs