Common Legal Framework for Takeover Bids in Europe: Volume 1 (Law Practitioner Series)

Common Legal Framework for Takeover Bids in Europe: Volume 1 (Law Practitioner Series)

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Cambridge University Press, 11/27/2008
EAN 9780521516662, ISBN10: 0521516668

Hardcover, 490 pages, 22.9 x 14.7 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

The Council Directive of 21 April 2004 on takeover bids sets forth the general principles applicable to takeover bids and clarifies certain minimum rules with respect to the procedure for a takeover bid, the obligation to make a mandatory bid in the event a minimum threshold is crossed and the majority shareholder's squeeze-out right as well as the minority shareholders' sell-out right. Furthermore, the Directive defines the authority which is competent to approve offer documents and supervise takeover bids, and provides for optional restrictions on the actions of the target company's management and on defence mechanisms. This book discusses the Takeover Directive and its implementing rules in each Member State of the European Union and the European Economic Area, providing companies and their advisors with useful insight into the legal framework and principles applicable to takeover bids in the region.

Part I
1. Rules of Community law applicable to takeover bids Dirk Van Gerven
2. A US lawyer's perspective on the Takeover Directive Nikolaos Andronikos
Part II. Application in each Member State
National reports for the EU Member States
3. Austria Florian Khol, Thomas Berghammer
4. Belgium Marc Van Der Haegen, Dirk Van Gerven
5. Czech Republic Petr Kasik and Vlastimil Pihera
6. Estonia Sven Papp, Ahto Nirgi
7. Germany Hildegard Ziemons, Jochen Schlotter and Karsten Hilmer
8. Greece Vassiliki Lazarakou, Elena Papachristou
9. Hungary Jacques De Servigny and Zsófia Fekete
10. Ireland Michael Greene and Keavy Ryan
11. Latvia Dace Silava-Tomsone, Martins Aljens
12. Lithuania Irmantas Norkus and Eva Suduiko
13. Luxembourg Josee Weydert and Carmen Rodriguez
The Netherlands Christiaan De Brauw, Bart Jong, Harmen De Mol Van Otterloo and Paul Olden
15. Portugal Martim Krupenski
16. Slovak Republic Branislav Hazucha and Michaela Jurkova
17. Spain Carlos Paredes Galego and Dámaso Riaño López
United Kingdom Craig Jones
Annex I Council Directive (EC) No 2004/25 of 21 April 2004 on takeover bids (the Takeover Directive)
Annex II List of national laws implementing the Takeover Directive.