Compact Sources of Ultrashort Pulses: 18 (Cambridge Studies in Modern Optics, Series Number 18)

Compact Sources of Ultrashort Pulses: 18 (Cambridge Studies in Modern Optics, Series Number 18)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 10/19/1995
EAN 9780521461924, ISBN10: 0521461928

Hardcover, 450 pages, 23.6 x 16 x 2.8 cm
Language: English

This comprehensive volume provides a survey of the many innovations in the field of ultrashort pulse generation, and reviews the state of the art in compact, modelocked laser systems, discussing both their operational principles and potential applications. The theory of short optical pulse generation by modelocking is covered in the first chapter. Thereafter, modelocking techniques in different types of lasers are discussed: solid state lasers; diode-pumped lasers; fiber lasers; surface emitting semiconductor lasers; external cavity semiconductor lasers; hybrid soliton pulse sources; and monolithic colliding pulse modelocked diode lasers. Presenting both theoretical and experimental aspects throughout, this book will be invaluable to anyone interested in short pulse laser systems, and particularly to researchers involved in high-speed communications or the investigation of ultrafast phenomena.

List of contributors
Acronyms and abbreviations
1. Short pulse generation H. A. Haus
2. Passive modelocking in solid state lasers Thomas Brabec, Stephen M. J. Kelly and Ferenc Krausz
3. Compact modelocked solid state lasers pumped by laser diodes John R. M. Barr
4. Modelocking of all-fiber lasers Irl N. Duling, III and Michael L. Dennis
5. Nonlinear polarization evolution in passively modelocked fiber lasers Martin E. Fermann
6. Ultrafast vertical cavity semiconductor lasers Wenbin Jiang and John Bowers
7. High power ultrafast semiconductor for injection diode lasers Peter J. Delfyett
8. The hybrid soliton pulse source Paul A. Morton
9. Monolithic colliding pulse modelocked diode lasers Ming C. Wu and Young-Kai Chen