Conflicts in Conservation: Navigating Towards Solutions (Ecological Reviews)

Conflicts in Conservation: Navigating Towards Solutions (Ecological Reviews)

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Cambridge University Press, 5/7/2015
EAN 9781107017696, ISBN10: 1107017696

Hardcover, 333 pages, 24.7 x 17.4 x 1.9 cm
Language: English

Conflicts over the conservation of biodiversity are increasing and are serious obstacles to wildlife conservation efforts worldwide. Changing patterns in land use, over-exploitation, pollution, climate change and the threat posed by invasive species all challenge the way we currently maintain and protect biodiversity - from the local management of single species to the international management of resources. Integrating approaches from different academic disciplines, policy makers and practitioners, this volume offers a radically new, cross-disciplinary, multi-scale approach to deal with conflicts. Groundbreaking strategies for conservation are analysed and a large section of the book is devoted to exploring case studies of conflict from around the world. Aimed primarily at academics, researchers and students from disciplines relating to conservation, ecology, natural resources management and environmental governance, this book will be equally valuable to conservation NGOs and practitioners, and the policy community at national and international levels.

Lists of contributors
Foreword Georgina Mace
Part I. Introduction to Conservation and Conflict
1. An introduction to conservation conflicts Stephen M. Redpath, Ralph J. Gutiérrez, Kevin A. Wood, Roger Sidaway and Juliette C. Young
2. Philosophy, conflict and conservation Alan Holland
Part II. Contrasting Disciplinary Approaches to the Study of Conflict in Conservation
3. The value of ecological information in conservation conflict Stephen M. Redpath and William J. Sutherland
4. Environmental history and conservation conflicts Robert A. Lambert
5. The political ecology of conservation conflicts William M. Adams
6. Understanding conservation conflicts
an economic perspective Nick Hanley
7. Anthropological approaches to conservation conflicts Andrew Whitehouse
8. Law and conservation conflicts Arie Trouwborst
9. The relevance of psychology to conservation conflicts Herbert H. Blumberg
10. Conservation conflicts
ethical issues Nigel Dower
11. A view from sociology
environmental movement mobilisation over old growth temperate rainforests in British Columbia D. B. Tindall, Joanna L. Robinson and Mark C. J. Stoddart
12. Peace research and conservation conflicts Paul Rogers
13. Linking conflict and global biodiversity conservation policies Esther Carmen, Juliette C. Young and Allan D. Watt
Part III. Approaches to Managing Conflicts
14. Modelling Conservation Conflicts Johannes P. M. Heinonen and Justin M. J. Travis
15. Defining scales for managing biodiversity and natural resources in the face of conflicts John D. C. Linnell
16. Mediation and conservation conflicts
from top-down to bottom-up M. S. Reed and J. Sidoli del Ceno
17. Designing and facilitating consensus-building - keys to success Diana Pound
18. Conservation conflict transformation
the missing link in conservation Francine Madden and Brian McQuinn
19. Legislated collaboration in a conservation conflict
a case study of the Quincy Library group in California, USA Ralph J. Gutiérrez, Antony S. Cheng, Dennis R. Becker, Scott Cashen, David Ganz, John Gunn, Michael Liquori, Amy Merrill, D. S. Saah and William Price
20. Finding a way out of conservation conflicts Stephen M. Redpath, Ralph J. Gutiérrez, Kevin A. Wood and Juliette C. Young