Copyright and International Negotiations: An Engine of Free Expression in China? (Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law)

Copyright and International Negotiations: An Engine of Free Expression in China? (Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law)

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Ge Chen
Cambridge University Press, 5/18/2017
EAN 9781107163454, ISBN10: 1107163455

Hardcover, 289 pages, 23.7 x 16 x 2.1 cm
Language: English

Copyright and International Negotiations provides a historical study of the development of Chinese copyright law in terms of China's contemporary political economy and the impact that international copyright law has had. The analysis shows how China's copyright system is intertwined with censorship and international copyright law and how this has affected freedom of expression. China still enforces an old censorship regime that clamps down on free expression despite a modern system of copyright rules which should function as an engine of free expression. The book explores the development and architecture of Chinese copyright law in parallel with international copyright law, clarifies China's nuanced patterns of the control of free expression through copyright law, and identifies a breakthrough for neutralising the impact of China's censorship policies through copyright law.

1. A tale of two engines
2. Little gain makes work hard
3. Power is knowledge
4. Towards free expression?