Design and Development of Training Games
Cambridge University Press, 11/20/2014
EAN 9781107051744, ISBN10: 1107051746
Hardcover, 568 pages, 26.2 x 18.6 x 3.4 cm
Language: English
The multidisciplinary nature of learning-games development is key to successful projects. In this book, field leaders in serious games and professionals in entertainment games share practical guidelines and lessons from their own experiences researching and developing learning games. This volume includes: • The key elements of design and development that require particular attention from multiple disciplines to ensure success • An overview of successful models and methods, and the trade-offs made throughout the process, to guide development • Cohesive, multidisciplinary views of the issues that arise and of the techniques applied in order to produce effective learning games grounded in specific experiences, community consensus, and analysis of successful learning games that have already been released • The stories behind the games, to illustrate how final design and development decisions were reached. Aimed at professionals and academics interested in developing and researching learning games, it offers a comprehensive picture of the state of the art.
Introduction Talib S. Hussain and Susan L. Coleman
1. Learning-game disciplines
their methods, strengths, and challenges Talib S. Hussain, Ellen Menaker, John Lee and Wallace Feurzeig
2. Communication for stronger learning-game design Susan L. Coleman, Ellen Menaker, Jennifer McNamara and Tristan E. Johnson
3. Instructional and gaming elements
what are they and where do they intersect? Katelyn Procci and Clint Bowers
4. Story for learning and gaming Caroline Masse, Kelly Pounds, Eric Church, Robert Waters and Vance Souders
5. Authenticity in learning games Michael Anthony, Erin Heiser and Terry Chandler
6. Design better games!
Flow, motivation and fun Curtiss Murphy, Dustin Chertoff, Michael Guerrero and Kerry Moffitt
7. Bridging the gap from design to implementation Talib S. Hussain and John Ostwald
8. Integrating games into learning environments Jo MacDonald, Perry McDowell, Daniel Siegel and Jesús R. De Leon
9. Multidisciplinary learning-game development method Talib S. Hussain
10. Game review criteria Susan L. Coleman and Talib S. Hussain
11. Game review
VESSEL Damage Control Trainer Alicia Sanchez
12. Development methods
VESSEL Damage Control Trainer Talib S. Hussain
13. Game review
Quest Atlantis Jesús R. De Leon and Janine McGrath
14. Development methods
Quest Atlantis Jesús R. De Leon and Janine McGrath
15. Game review
Computer Based Corpsman Training System Susan L. Coleman
16. Development methods
Computer Based Corpsman Training System Howard Mall
17. Game review
Virtual Dental Implant Trainer Dustin Chertoff
18. Development methods
Virtual Dental Implant Trainer Robert E. Waters, Jennifer McNamara, Ed Fletcher and Isaac Jeppsen
19. Game review
DARWARS Ambush! Howard Mall
20. Development methods
DARWARS Ambush! Bruce Roberts and David Diller
21. Game review
Procurement Fraud Indicator minigame Michael Freeman and Vance Souders
22. Development methods
Procurement Fraud Indicator minigame Alicia Sanchez and Dustin Clingman
23. Game review
Practice Marketing Krista Langkamer Ratwani and Kara L. Orvis
24. Development methods
Practice Marketing David Martz and Tyler Vogel.