Elements of Slow-Neutron Scattering: Basics, Techniques, and Applications

Elements of Slow-Neutron Scattering: Basics, Techniques, and Applications

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J. M. Carpenter, C.-K. Loong
Cambridge University Press, 9/24/2015
EAN 9780521857819, ISBN10: 0521857813

Hardcover, 536 pages, 24.8 x 17.8 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Providing a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to the theory and applications of slow-neutron scattering, this detailed book equips readers with the fundamental principles of neutron studies, including the background and evolving development of neutron sources, facility design, neutron scattering instrumentation and techniques, and applications in materials phenomena. Drawing on the authors' extensive experience in this field, this text explores the implications of slow-neutron research in greater depth and breadth than ever before in an accessible yet rigorous manner suitable for both students and researchers in the fields of physics, biology, and materials engineering. Through pedagogical examples and in-depth discussion, readers will be able to grasp the full scope of the field of neutron scattering, from theoretical background through to practical, scientific applications.

1. About neutrons
2. Neutron production, moderation, characterization of sources
3. Scattering theory
4. Scattering theory
5. Neutron scattering instruments
diffractometers and reflectometers
6. Neutron scattering instruments
7. Devices
8. Detectors
9. Nuclear scattering
crystal structures
10. Nuclear scattering
lattice dynamics
11. Nuclear scattering
chemical spectroscopy
12. Magnetic scattering
13. Magnetic scattering
14. Disordered and large structures.