Emergency Department Analgesia: An Evidence-Based Guide (Cambridge Pocket Clinicians)
Cambridge University Press, 9/25/2008
EAN 9780521696012, ISBN10: 0521696011
Paperback, 430 pages, 17.6 x 12.8 x 2.2 cm
Language: English
Nowhere in medicine is there a greater imperative to act than in the recognition and management of a patient's pain. This practical and evidence-based resource for emergency medicine and acute care providers will guide physicians in the selection of an effective therapy, define appropriate dosages to use and, equally important, when a treatment doesn't work, explain why, and what to do next. Starting with chapters on the assessment of pain, the safe and effective provision of analgesia in special populations, and featuring a reference table of drug names and interactions; the bulk of the coverage moves on to describe the provision of analgesia in the wide range of conditions likely to be encountered in the emergency department. The fundamental strengths of this approach are the comprehensive coverage, focus on practicality, basis in sound evidence, and authorship by specialists with extensive experience based on years of clinical practice.
Foreword Peter Rosen
Part I. General Considerations
Introduction and general approach to pain James Ducharme
Assessment of pain Catherine A. Marco and Alan P. Marco
Prehospital analgesia Chris McEachin and Robert A. Swor
Epidemiologic overview of ED pain treatment Polly Bijur
Geriatric analgesia Ula Hwang and Andy Jagoda
Chronic pain David Cline and Stephen H. Thomas
NSAIDs and opioids Benjamin A. White and Stephen H. Thomas
Nonstandard medication delivery James R. Miner
Reflections on ED analgesia Peter Rosen and Stephen H. Thomas
Part II.Chief Complaints and Diagnoses
Abdominal aortic aneurysm Beth Wicklund and Robert Knopp
Aortic dissection Kalani Olmstead and Deborah B. Diercks
Arthritis Todd M. Listwa and Stephen H. Thomas
Biliary tract pain Stephen H. Thomas and Jonathan S. Ilgen
Bites and stings - marine Stephen H. Thomas and Ciaran J. Browne
Bites and stings – terrestrial Frank LoVecchio and Stephen H. Thomas
Breast pain Janet Simmons Young
Burns Jeremy Ackerman and Adam J. Singer
Bursitis and periarticular inflammation Nathanael Wood and John H. Burton
Cancer and tumor pain Michael Walta and Stephen H. Thomas
Cardiac chest pain Kalani Olmstead and Deborah B. Diercks
Chest wall trauma Michel Galinski
Chronic low back pain David Cline
Cluster headache Sohan Parekh and Andy Jagoda
Corneal abrasion Lisa Calder
Cystitis, urethritis, and prostatitis Benjamin A. White and Stephen H. Thomas
Dysmenorrhea Benjamin A. White and Stephen H. Thomas
Endometriosis Joshua H. Tamayo-Sarver and Rita K. Cydulka
Esophageal spasm Kalani Olmstead and Deborah B. Diercks
Fibromyalgia Michael Walta and Stephen H. Thomas
Gastritis and peptic ulcer disease Megan L. Fix and Stephen H. Thomas
Gastroesophageal reflux disease Kalani Olmstead and Deborah B. Diercks
Hemorrhoids and perianal pain Benjamin A. White and Stephen H. Thomas
Migraine and undifferentiated headache Sohan Parekh and Andy Jagoda
Mucositis and stomatitis Kelly Young
Neck and back pain - mechanical strain Michael Turturro
Neck and back pain - radicular syndromes Adam Levine and Stephen H. Thomas
Neck and back pain - spinal spondylitic syndromes Michael Walta and Stephen H. Thomas
Neuropathy - complex Regional Pain Syndrome David Cline
Neuropathy - diabetic David Cline
Neuropathy - HIV-related David Cline and Stephen H. Thomas
Neuropathy - overview Sharon E. Mace
Neuropathy - phantom limb pain David Cline
Ocular inflammation Stephen H. Thomas
Odontalgia Michael T. Schultz and Michael S. Runyon
Orthopedic extremity trauma - sprains, strains, and fractures Catherine A. Marco and Jason B. Lester
Osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture Susan R. Wilcox and Stephen H. Thomas
Otitis media and external Kelly Young
Pancreatitis Stephen H. Thomas and Jonathan S. Ilgen
Pharyngitis Kelly Young
Post-dural puncture headache Sohan Parekh and Andy Jagoda
Post-herpetic neuralgia Jeremy Ackerman and Adam J. Singer
Renal colic Andrew Worster
Sialolithiasis Samuel Kim and John H. Burton
Sickle cell crisis Hans Bradshaw and Dale P. Woodridge
Temporomandibular disorders Nathanael Wood and John H. Burton
Tension-type headache Sohan Parekh and Andy Jagoda
Trigeminal neuralgia Sohan Parekh and Andy Jagoda
Undifferentiated abdominal pain Frank LoVecchio and Stephen H. Thomas
NSAIDs Benjamin A. White and Stephen H. Thomas
Opioids Benjamin A. White and Stephen H. Thomas
Other analgesics Benjamin A. White and Stephen H. Thomas.
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