Environmental Markets: A Property Rights Approach (Cambridge Studies in Economics, Choice, and Society)

Environmental Markets: A Property Rights Approach (Cambridge Studies in Economics, Choice, and Society)

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Terry L. Anderson, Gary D. Libecap
Cambridge University Press, 5/12/2014
EAN 9781107010222, ISBN10: 1107010225

Hardcover, 244 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.8 cm
Language: English

Environmental Markets explains the prospects of using markets to improve environmental quality and resource conservation. No other book focuses on a property rights approach using environmental markets to solve environmental problems. This book compares standard approaches to these problems using governmental management, regulation, taxation, and subsidization with a market-based property rights approach. This approach is applied to land, water, wildlife, fisheries, and air and is compared to governmental solutions. The book concludes by discussing tougher environmental problems such as ocean fisheries and the global atmosphere, emphasizing that neither governmental nor market solutions are a panacea.

1. Who owns the environment?
2. Is government regulation the solution?
3. Property rights for the common pool
4. Local property rights to the commons
5. The politics of property rights
6. From property rights to markets
7. Tackling the global commons
8. Property rights, property rights, property rights.