Essays in Honor of Kenneth J. Arrow: Volume 1, Social Choice and Public Decision Making: Social Choice and Public Decision Making v. 1 (European Monographs in Social Psychology)

Essays in Honor of Kenneth J. Arrow: Volume 1, Social Choice and Public Decision Making: Social Choice and Public Decision Making v. 1 (European Monographs in Social Psychology)

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Cambridge University Press, 10/23/1986
EAN 9780521304542, ISBN10: 0521304547

Hardcover, 236 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.7 cm
Language: English

Professor Kenneth J. Arrow is one of the most distinguished economic theorists. He has played a major role in shaping the subject and is honoured by the publication of three volumes of essays on economic theory. Each volume deals with a different area of economic theory. The books include contributions by some of the best economic theorists from the United States, Japan, Israel and Europe.

Part I. Social Choice
1. Consequentialist social norms for public decisions Peter J. Hammond
2. Information and invariance in normative choice Amartya Sen
3. Utilitarian morality in a world of very half-hearted altruists John C. Harsanyi
4. On the implementation of social choice rules in irrational societies Leonid Hurwicz
5. Walrasian social choice
some simple axiomatic approaches Louis Gevers
Part II. Decision Making in the Public Sector
6. Testing for optimality in the absence of convexity Herbert E. Scarf
7. Toward a theory of planning Michael D. Intriligator and Eytan Sheshinski
8. On the social risk premium David A. Starrett
9. A problem of financial market equilibrium when the timing of tax payments is indeterminate David F. Bradford
10. The shadow price of capital
implications for the opportunity cost of public programs, the burden of the debt, and tax reform Robert C. Lind.