Evolution of International Environmental Regimes: The Case of Climate Change (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law)

Evolution of International Environmental Regimes: The Case of Climate Change (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law)

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Simone Schiele
Cambridge University Press, 6/12/2014
EAN 9781107044159, ISBN10: 1107044154

Hardcover, 312 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 1.9 cm
Language: English

Drawing specifically on the international climate regime, Simone Schiele examines international environmental regimes from a legal perspective and analyses a core feature of international regimes - their ability to evolve over time. In particular, she develops a theoretical framework based on general international law which allows for a thorough examination of the understanding of international law and the options for law-creation in international environmental regimes. The analysis therefore provides both a coherent understanding of the international climate regime and a starting point for further research in other regimes.

1. Introductory observations and approach
2. International environmental regimes and their treaties
3. International climate regime
4. Effectiveness of international environmental regimes and 'creative legal engineering'
5. International regimes as normative systems
6. Methodology for determining the norms, sources and underlying theories of international law in the international climate regime
7. Sources of legal norms in the international climate regime and the negotiations leading up to and at the Copenhagen conference
8. Sources of legal norms in the international climate regime and Compliance Committee methods of interpretation
9. Increasing robustness of the international climate regime as a system of norms
10. Conclusions.