Family-Based Intervention for Child and Adolescent Mental Health: A Core Competencies Approach

Family-Based Intervention for Child and Adolescent Mental Health: A Core Competencies Approach

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Cambridge University Press, 3/11/2021
EAN 9781108706063, ISBN10: 1108706061

Paperback, 324 pages, 25.4 x 17.8 x 2.4 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

The most effective treatments for child and adolescent psychopathology are often family-based, emphasising the active involvement of family members beyond the referred individual. This book details the clinical skills, knowledge, and attitudes that form the core competencies for the delivery of evidence-based family interventions for a range of mental health problems. Offering practical case studies to illustrate treatment principles, and discussing barriers to treatment and problem-solving in relation to common difficulties. Covers topics such as anxiety, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, sleep, and eating disorders. Therapist competencies are thoroughly examined, from the role they play in severe/complex cases and in achieving successful outcomes to commonly misunderstood aspects of family-based interventions and how they can be enhanced. Clinical approaches to working with diverse families, and those of children affected by parental psychopathology, child maltreatment and family violence are also explored. Essential reading for psychologists, psychiatrists, paediatricians, mental health nurses, counsellors and social workers.

Part I. Theoretical Perspectives on Family-based Intervention
1. A core-competency perspective on family-based intervention for child and adolescent mental health Jennifer Allen, David Hawes and Cecilia Essau
2. The role of the family in child and adolescent psychopathology David Hawes, Jennifer Allen, Cecilia Essau and Carri Fisher
3. Implementation of family-based intervention
current status and future directions Satoko Sasagawa, Cecilia Essau and Tom Ollendick
4. Effective components of parenting programs for children's conduct problems Patty Leijten
Part II. Core Clinical Competencies
5. Engaging fathers in interventions for child mental health Lucy Tully, David Hawes and Mark Dadds
6. Cultural diversity and family-based interventions Regina M. Hechanova, Chantal Ellis S. Tabo-Corpuz and Kay Bunagan
7. Delivering family-based interventions using phone-assisted and internet-based technology Cristin Hall and Rebecca Bertuccio
Part III. Family Intervention for Specific Child and Adolescent Mental Health Problems
8. A family-based approach to the treatment of youth depression Martha Tompson, Caroline Swetlitz and Joan Asarnow
9. A family-based CBT approach to the treatment of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents Gemma Sicouri and Jennifer Hudson
10. Case complexity and resistance to change in the treatment of child conduct problems David Hawes and Mark Dadds
11. Enhancing engagement and motivation with adolescents with ADHD and their parents
the Supporting Teens' Autonomy Daily (STAND) model Margaret Sibley and Patrick LaCount
12. Functional family therapy for antisocial behaviour in adolescents Michael Robbins and James Alexander
13. Autism spectrum disorders in young children
the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) Elizabeth Fuller and Sally Rogers
14. Family-based treatment for eating disorders Sasha Gorrell and Daniel Le Grange
15. Sleep problems Gabrielle Rigney, Penny Corkum, Elizabeth Keys, Michelle Johnson and Jocelyn Paul
Part IV. Family Intervention for Children at Risk Due to Family Dysfunction or Past Adversity
16. Working with parents with depression in family intervention Emma Archibald, Sarah Gladstone and Tracy Gladstone
17. Working with parents with anxiety in family intervention Sisi Guo and Tara Peris
18. Working with families of children who have experienced maltreatment David Pasalich and Nicola Palfrey
19. Working with families and children exposed to past intimate partner violence Caitlin Rancher, Renee McDonald, Ernest Jouriles and Helena Draxler
Part V. New Developments in Family-based Intervention
20. Tuning into kids
an emotion coaching approach to working with parents Sophie Havighurst and Christiane E. Kehoe
21. Emotion coaching in the context of intimate partner violence Lynn Fainsilber Katz and Kyrill Gurtovenko.