Feeling and Thinking: The Role of Affect in Social Cognition (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction)

Feeling and Thinking: The Role of Affect in Social Cognition (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction)

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Cambridge University Press, 1/20/2000
EAN 9780521642231, ISBN10: 052164223X

Hardcover, 440 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.9 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

The role of affect in how people think and behave in social situations has been a source of fascination to laymen and philosophers since time immemorial. Surprisingly, most of what we know about the role of feelings in social thinking and behavior has been discovered only during the last two decades. This book reviews and integrates the most recent research and theories on this exciting topic, and features original contributions from leading researchers active in the area. The book covers fundamental issues, such as the nature, and relationship between affect and cognition, as well as chapters that deal with the cognitive antecedents of emotion, and the consequences of affect for social cognition and behavior. The book offers a highly integrated and comprehensive coverage of the field, and is suitable as a core textbook in advanced courses dealing with the role of affect in cognition and behavior.

1. Introduction
the role of affect in social cognition Joseph P. Forgas
Part I. Fundamental Issues
The Interplay of Affect and Cognition
2. Nonconscious and noncognitive affect Robert Zajonc
3. Challenge and threat
the interplay of affect and cognition Jim Blascovich and Wendy Berry Mendes
4. Affect and appraisal Craig A. Smith and Leslie D. Kirby
Part II. The Informational Role of Affect
5. Cognitive and clinical perspectives on mood dependent memory Eric Eich and Dawn Macauley
6. Some conditions affecting overcorrection of the judgment-distorting influence of one's feelings Leonard Berkowitz, Sara Jaffee, Eunkyung Jo and Bartholomeu T. Troccoli
7. Mood as input
a configural view of mood effects Leonard L. Martin
8. Affective forecasting and durability bias
the problem of the invisible shield Dan Gilbert
Part III. Affect and Information Processing
9. Mood and general knowledge structures
happy moods and their impact on information processing Herbert Bless
10. A connectionist approach to understanding the impact of mood on cognitive functions of assimilation and accommodation
11. The role of different processing strategies in mediating mood effects on cognition Joseph P. Forgas
Part IV. Affect and Social Knowledge Structures
12. Self-organization in emotional contexts Carolin Showers
13. Prologues to a unified theory of affect, attitudes, stereotypes, and self-concept Anthony Greenwald
14. Interpersonal emotions, social cognition, and self-relevant thought Mark Leary
15. Emotional response categorization Paula Niedenthal
16. Integration and conclusions Joseph P. Forgas.