Geschichte von Böhmen: Grösstentheils nach urkunden und handschriften: Part 3 (Cambridge Library Collection - European History)

Geschichte von Böhmen: Grösstentheils nach urkunden und handschriften: Part 3 (Cambridge Library Collection - European History)

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František Palacký
Cambridge University Press, 12/13/2012
EAN 9781108054980, ISBN10: 1108054986

Paperback, 348 pages, 21.6 x 14 x 2 cm
Language: German

A highly influential Czech historian and politician, František Palacký (1798–1876) became in 1825 the first editor of the journal of the Bohemian Museum, a key cultural institution in the development of Czech nationalism. He was actively involved in the nineteenth-century Czech national revival, helping also to found the Czech national theatre. Entering politics in 1848, he served as president of the Prague Slavic Congress, and later became a member of the Austrian senate as a supporter of greater Czech autonomy. In this extensive work, comprising ten separate parts - published in German between 1836 and 1867 - Palacký gives a detailed account of Bohemian history until 1526. It remains an important and ambitious feat of scholarship, still relevant to students of central European history. The third part of Volume 3 (1854) deals with the first years of the Council of Basel from 1431 to 1439.

Achtes Buch. Böhmen und das Baseler Concil. Sigmund und Albrecht. Jahre 1431–9
1. Vorverhandlungen (vom Jahre 1431–2 October)
2. Die Böhmen in Basel (vom Jahre 1432 October–1433 April)
3. Die ersten Prager Compactaten, Tabor's Fall (vom Jahre 1433–4 Juni)
4. Die Compactaten (vom Jahre 1434 Juni–1436 August)
5. Sigmund (vom Jahre 1436 August–1437 December)
6. Albrecht (vom Jahre 1437–9 October).