Ginzburg–Landau Theory of Condensates: Thermodynamics, Dynamics and Formation of Topological Matter

Ginzburg–Landau Theory of Condensates: Thermodynamics, Dynamics and Formation of Topological Matter

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Baruch Rosenstein, Dingping Li
Cambridge University Press, 11/18/2021
EAN 9781108836852, ISBN10: 1108836852

Hardcover, 320 pages, 24.8 x 17.1 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Ginzburg–Landau theory is an important tool in condensed matter physics research, describing the ordered phases of condensed matter, including the dynamics, elasticity, and thermodynamics of the condensed configurations. In this systematic introduction to Ginzberg–Landau theory, both common and topological excitations are considered on the same footing (including their thermodynamics and dynamical phenomena). The role of the topological versus energetic considerations is made clear. Required mathematics (symmetry, including lattice translation, topology, and perturbative techniques) are introduced as needed. The results are illustrated using arguably the most fascinating class of such systems, high Tc superconductors subject to magnetic field. This book is an important reference for both researchers and graduate students working in condensed matter physics or can act as a textbook for those taking advanced courses on these topics.

Preface. 1. Introduction and overview
Part I. Ordered Phases of Condensed Matter Disrupted by Topological Defects
2. The phenomenological (Landau) description of the ordered condensed matter from magnets to Bose condensates
3. Simplest topological defects
4. Topological defects and their classification
Part II. Structure of the Topological Matter Created by Gauge Field
5. Repulsion between solitons and viable vortex matter created by a gauge field
6. Abrikosov vortices created by the magnetic field
7. Structure and magnetization of the vortex lattice within London approximation
8. Structure and megnetization of the vortex lattice within Abrikosov approximation
Part III. Excitation Modes of Condensate
Elasticity and Stability of the Topological Matter
9. Linear stability analysis of the homogenous states
10. Stability and the excitation spectrum of the single soliton and the vortex lattice
11. Forces of solitons, pinning and elasticity of the vortex matter
Part IV. Dynamics of Condensates and Solitary Waves
12. Dynamics of the order parameter field
13. Solitary waves
14. Viscous flow of the Abrikosov flux lattice
Part V. Thermal Fluctuations. 15. Statistical physics of mesoscopic degrees of freedom
16. The Landau-Wilson approach to statistical physics of the interacting field fluctuations
17. Thermal fluctuations in the vortex matter