Global Challenges in Responsible Business (Cambridge Companions to Management)

Global Challenges in Responsible Business (Cambridge Companions to Management)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 7/29/2010
EAN 9780521735889, ISBN10: 0521735882

Paperback, 332 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 1.9 cm
Language: English

Corporate responsibility has gone global. It has secured the attention of business leaders, governments and NGOs to an unprecedented extent. Increasingly, it is argued that business must play a constructive role in addressing massive global challenges. Business is not responsible for causing most of the problems associated with, for example, extreme poverty and hunger, child mortality and HIV/AIDS. However, it is often claimed that business has a responsibility to help ameliorate many of these problems and, indeed, it may be the only institution capable of effectively addressing some of them. Global Challenges in Responsible Business addresses the implications for business of corporate responsibility in the context of globalization and the social and environmental problems we face today. Featuring research from Europe, North America, Asia and Africa, it focuses on three major themes: embedding corporate responsibility, corporate responsibility and marketing, and corporate responsibility in developing countries.

List of figures
List of tables
List of contributors
corporate responsibility and global business N. Craig Smith, C. B. Bhattacharya, David Vogel and David Levine
Part I. Embedding Corporate Responsibility
1. A corporate social responsibility - corporate financial performance behavioural model for employees Jean-Pascal Gond, Assâad El Akremi, Jacques Igalens and Valérie Swaen
2. The integrative benefits of social alliances
balancing, building, and bridging Ida E. Berger, Peggy H. Cunningham and Minette E. Drumwright
3. Integrating corporate citizenship
leading from the middle Philip Mirvis and Julie Manga
4. CSR in search of a management model
a case of marginalization of a CSR initiative Aurélien Acquier
Part II. Marketing and Corporate Responsibility
5. Global segments of socially conscious consumers
do they exist? Pat Auger, Timothy M. Devinney and Jordan J. Louviere
6. Impact of CSR commitments and CSR communication on diverse stakeholders
the case of IKEA François Maon, Valérie Swaen and Adam Lindgreen
7. The relationship between corporate responsibility and brand loyalty in retailing
the mediation role of trust Francesco Perrini, Sandro Castaldo, Nicola Misani and Antonio Tencati
Part III. Corporate Responsibility and Developing Countries
8. Stretching corporate social responsibility upstream
improving sustainability in global supply chains Emma Kambewa, Paul Ingenbleek and Aad van Tilburg
9. Breaking new ground
the emerging frontier of CSR in the extractive sector V. Kasturi Rangan and Brooke Barton
10. Overcoming rural distribution challenges at the bottom of the pyramid Sushil Vachani and N. Craig Smith