Govt Policy Industry United States
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 8/21/2008
EAN 9780521026437, ISBN10: 0521026431
Paperback, 368 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.3 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English
The essays contained in this 1988 volume cover many important issues relating to government policies in the Japanese and American economies.
List of contributors
1. Editor's summary John B. Shoven
2. The corporate cost of capital in Japan and the United States
a comparison Albert Ando and Alan Auerbach
3. The taxation of income from capital in Japan John B. Shoven and Toshiaki Tachibanaki
4. Corporate tax burden and tax incentives in Japan Hiromitsu Ishi
5. A closer look at saving rates in the United States and Japan Michael J. Boskin and John M. Roberts
6. The Japanese current-account surplus and fiscal policy in Japan and the United States Kazuo Ueda
7. Curing trade imbalance by international tax coordination Iwao Nakatani
8. Picking losers
public policy toward declining industries in Japan Merton J. Peck, Richard C. Levin and Akira Goto
9. Corporate capital structure in the United States and Japan
financial intermediation and implications of financial deregulation James E. Hodder
10. The Japanese bureaucracy in economic administration
a rational regulator or pluralist agent? Masahiko Aoki
11. Japan's energy policy during the 1970s Chikashi Moriguchi
12. Industry structure and government policies in the US and Japanese integrated-circuit industries W. Edward Steinmueller.