Greek and Roman Actors: Aspects of an Ancient Profession
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 9/26/2002
EAN 9780521651400, ISBN10: 0521651409
Hardcover, 544 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 3.2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English
This collection of twenty essays examines the art, profession and idea of the actor in Greek and Roman antiquity, and has been commissioned and arranged to cast as much interdisciplinary and transhistorical light as possible on these elusive but fascinating ancient professionals. It covers a chronological span from the sixth century BC to Byzantium (and even beyond to the way that ancient actors have influenced the arts from the Renaissance to the twentieth century) and stresses the huge geographical spread of ancient actors. Some essays focus on particular themes, such as the evidence for women actors or the impact of acting on the presentation of suicide in literature; others offer completely new evidence, such as graffiti relating to actors in Asia Minor; others ask new questions, such as what subjective experience can be reconstructed for the ancient actor. There are numerous illustrations and all Greek and Latin passages are translated.
List of illustrations
List of contributors
List of abbreviations
Part I. The Art of the Actor
1. The singing actors of antiquity Edith Hall
2. The musicians among the actors Peter Wilson
3. The use of the body by actors in tragedy and satyr-play Kostas Valakas
4. Towards a reconstruction of performance style Richard Green
5. Kallippides on the floor-sweepings
the limits of realism in classical acting and performance styles Eric Csapo
6. Looking for the actor's art in Aristotle G. M. Sifakis
7. Acting, action and words in New Comedy Eric Handley
8. 'Acting down'
the ideology of Hellenistic performance Richard Hunter
Part II. The Professional World
9. Nothing to do with the technītai of Dionysus? Jane L. Lightfoot
10. Actors and actor-managers at Rome in the time of Plautus and Terence Peter G. McC. Brown
11. The masks on the propylon of the Sebasteion at Aphrodisias John Jory
12. Images of performance
new evidence from Ephesus Charlotte Roueché
13. Female entertainers in late antiquity Ruth Webb
14. Acting in the Byzantine theatre
evidence and problems Walter Puchner
Part III. The Idea of the Actor
15. Actor as icon Pat Easterling
16. Scholars versus actors
text and performance in the Greek tragic scholia Thomas Falkner
17. Orator and/et actor Elaine Fantham
18. Acting and self-actualisation in imperial Rome
some death scenes Catharine Edwards
19. The subjectivity of Greek performance Ismene Lada-Richards
20. The ancient actor's presence since the Renaissance Edith Hall
List of works cited
Index of major ancient passages cited
General index.