Griechische Geschichte: Part 1 (Cambridge Library Collection - Classics)

Griechische Geschichte: Part 1 (Cambridge Library Collection - Classics)

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Julius Beloch
Cambridge University Press, 8/2/2012
EAN 9781108050968, ISBN10: 1108050964

Paperback, 670 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 3.8 cm
Language: German
Originally published in German

Educated at Palermo, Rome and Heidelberg, the classical and economic historian Karl Julius Beloch (1845–1929) lived most of his life in Italy, becoming a professor extraordinarius of ancient history at the University of Rome in 1879. German scholars, notably Theodor Mommsen, criticised Beloch's work for his scepticism towards traditional material and his more subjective approach. In addition to important work on ancient demography, he produced this controversial yet influential opus, revised and published in four volumes between 1912 and 1927, in which he questions conventional views on Greek history. Each volume in its first part outlines historical events and in the second part goes into greater detail, emphasising Beloch's unique perspective. The first part of Volume 3 covers the period after Sparta's victory in the Peloponnesian War until Alexander the Great's conquest of Asia, revealing impacts on science, culture and social structures.

1. Der Spartanische Krieg
2. Der Befreiungskrieg
3. Der Korinthische Krieg und der Königsfrieden
4. Die Militärmonarchie in Sicilien und am Pontos
5. Die Wiedererhebung der Demokratie
6. Das übergewicht Thebens
7. Der Zerfall der hellenischen Grossmächte
8. Die Bevölkerung
9. Die wirtschaftliche Entwickelung seit dem Peloponnesischen Kriege
10. Literatur und Kunst
11. Der Ausbau der Wissenschaft
12. Die Gesellschaft und ihre Organisation
13. Die neue Grossmacht im Norden
14. Die griechische Einheit
15. Die Freiheitskämpfe der Westhellenen
16. Die Eroberung Asiens.