Handbook of Early Childhood Intervention

Handbook of Early Childhood Intervention

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: 2, 11/9/2000
EAN 9780521585736, ISBN10: 0521585732

Paperback, 756 pages, 25.3 x 17.7 x 3.8 cm
Language: English

Eighteen new chapters have been added to the 2000 edition of this valuable Handbook, which serves as a core text for students and experienced professionals who are interested in the health and well being of young children. It serves as a comprehensive reference for graduate students, advanced trainees, service providers, and policy makers in such diverse fields as child care, early childhood education, child health, and early intervention programs for children with developmental disabilities and children in high risk environments. This book will be of interest to a broad range of disciplines including psychology, child development, early childhood education, social work, pediatrics, nursing, child psychiatry, physical and occupational therapy, speech and language pathology, and social policy. A scholarly overview of the underlying knowledge base and practice of early childhood intervention, it is unique in its balance between breadth and depth and its integration of the multiple dimensions of the field.

Foreword Edward F. Zigler
List of contributors
Part I. Introduction
1. Early childhood intervention
a continuing evolution Samuel J. Meisels and Jack P. Shonkoff
Part II. Concepts of Developmental Vulnerability and Resilience
2. The biology of developmental vulnerability Jack P. Shonkoff and Paul C. Marshall
3. Adaptive and maladaptive parenting
perspectives on risk and protective factors Joy D. Osofsky and M. Dewana Thompson
4. The human ecology of early risk James Garbarino and Barbara Ganzel
5. Cultural differences as sources of developmental vulnerabilities and resources Cynthia Garcia Coll and Katherine Magnuson
6. Protective factors and individual resilience Emmy E. Werner
Part III. Theoretical Frameworks for Intervention
7. Transactional regulation
the developmental ecology of early intervention Arnold J. Sameroff and Barbara H. Fiese
8. Guiding principles for a theory of early intervention
a developmental–psychoanalytic perspective Robert N. Emde and Jo Ann Robinson
9. Behavioral and educational approaches to early intervention Mark Wolery
10. The neurobiological bases of early intervention Charles A. Nelson
Part IV. Approaches to Assessment
11. The elements of early childhood assessment Samuel J. Meisels and Sally Atkins-Burnett
12. Assessment of parent–child interaction
implications for early intervention Jean F. Kelly and Kathryn E. Barnard
13. Family assessment within early intervention programs Marty Wyngaarden Krauss
14. Measurement of community characteristics Felton Earls and Stephen Buka
Part V. Service Delivery Models and Systems
15. Preventive healthcare and anticipatory guidance Paul H. Dworkin
16. Early care and education
current issues and future strategies Sharon L. Kagan and Michelle J. Neuman
17. Early intervention for low-income children and families Robert Halpern
18. Services for young children with disabilities and their families Gloria L. Harbin, R. A. McWilliam and James J. Gallagher
19. Early childhood mental health services
a policy and systems development perspective Jane Knitzer
20. Paraprofessionals revisited and reconsidered Judith Musick and Frances Stott
21. Personal preparation for early childhood intervention programs Nancy K. Klein and Linda Gilkerson
Part VI. Measuring the Impact of Service Delivery
22. An expanded view of program evaluation in early childhood intervention Penny Hauser-Cram, Marji Erickson Warfield, Carol C. Upshur and Thomas S. Weisner
23. Another decade of intervention for children who are low income or disabled
what do we know? Dale C. Farran
24. Early childhood intervention programs
what about the family? Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Lisa J. Berlin and Allison Sidle Fuligni
25. Economics of early childhood intervention W. Steven Barnett
Part VII. New Directions for the Twenty-First Century
26. Early childhood intervention policies
an international perspective Sheila Kammerman
27. Evolution of family–professional partnerships
collective empowerment as the model for the early twenty-first century Ann P. Turnbull, Vicki Turbiville and H. R. Turnbull
28. Resilience reconsidered
conceptual considerations, empirical findings, and policy implications Michael Rutter
Name index
Subject index.

'If you are considering setting up, or even participating in, an early intervention project, please read this book first.' Australia and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry