Heinrich Glarean's Books: The Intellectual World of a Sixteenth-Century Musical Humanist

Heinrich Glarean's Books: The Intellectual World of a Sixteenth-Century Musical Humanist

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 8/22/2013
EAN 9781107022690, ISBN10: 110702269X

Hardcover, 398 pages, 24.9 x 17 x 3.3 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

This collection of essays investigates the work of Heinrich Glarean, one of the most influential humanists and music theorists of the sixteenth century. For the first time, Glarean's musical writings, including his masterwork the Dodekachordon, are considered in the wider context of his work in a variety of disciplines such as musicology, history, theology and geography. Contributors reference books from Glarean's private library, including rare and previously unseen material, to explore his strategies and impact as a humanist author and university teacher. The book also uses other newly discovered source material such as course notes written by students and Glarean's preparations for his own lectures to offer a fascinating picture of his reactions to contemporary debates. Providing a detailed analysis of Glarean's library as reconstructed from the surviving copies, Heinrich Glarean's Books offers new and exciting perspectives on the multidisciplinary work of an accomplished intellectual.

1. Heinrich Glarean's world Iain Fenlon and Inga Mai Groote
2. Theory of music and philosophy of life
the Dodekachordon and the Counter-Reformation Laurenz Lütteken
3. Mitto ad te meos de musica labores
Glarean's Dodekachordon and the politics of dedication Bernhard Kölbl
4. Sympathies with Luther, preference for the Roman Church. Glarean's annotations as a mirror of his intellectual development Barbara Mahlmann-Bauer
5. Glarean's Bible Max Engammare
6. Henrici Glareani Concio de coena domini
Glarean as theologian Barbara Mahlmann-Bauer
7. Between the human and the divine
Glareanus's De geographia and the span of Renaissance geography Christine R. Johnson
8. Roman weights and measurements in Glarean's De asse et partibus eius Menso Folkerts
9. A Dorio ad Phrygium
a case-study of intertextual relations Andrea Horz
10. Studying music and arithmetic with Glarean
contextualising the Epitome and Annotationes among the sources for Glarean's teaching Inga Mai Groote
11. Glarean's didactic approach to Horace and his critical review of ancient and modern commentaries Claudia Wiener
12. Chronologia est unica historiae lux
how Glarean studied and taught the chronology of the ancient world Anthony Grafton and Urs B. Leu
13. Evidence for Glarean's music lectures from his students' books
congruent annotations in the Epitome and the Dodekachordon Inga Mai Groote, Bernhard Kölbl and Susan Forscher Weiss
14. Heinrich Glarean's books Iain Fenlon and Inga Mai Groote
1. Catalogue of Glarean's works
2. Henrici Glareani concio de coena domini
3. Glareani in Musices suae epitome annotationes.