Hepatitis C Virus: From Laboratory to Clinic (Biomedical Research Topics S.)

Hepatitis C Virus: From Laboratory to Clinic (Biomedical Research Topics S.)

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Mark A. Feitelson
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 3/28/2002
EAN 9780521799591, ISBN10: 0521799597

Paperback, 270 pages, 24.9 x 17.5 x 1.5 cm
Language: English

Hepatitis C infects 170 million people worldwide, and has been labelled the 'silent epidemic' as a result of its concealed attack on the liver. This multidisciplinary overview covers basic concepts related to the discovery of the virus, development of serological and nucleic acid tests to detect infection, the structure of the virus genome, generation of virus gene products, and proposed replication scheme. It then goes on to introduce the epidemiology, transmission, pathogenesis of infection, the development of hepatocellular carcinoma associated with chronic virus infection, and current strategies for treatment. The book then discusses advances in cell culture systems, animal models of infection, and emerging treatments and vaccine development. Through its coverage of basic science, clinical consequences, and methods of research, this integrated and accessible account will be of immense value to biomedical scientists and clinicians alike, and a useful introduction for all those studying the virus and its effects.

Part I. Basic Principles
1. Background
2. The virus
3. Epidemiology and transmission
4. Natural history of infection
5. Pathogenesis of infection
6. HCV and hepatocellular carcinoma
7. Extrahepatic sites for hepatatis C
8. HCV and autoimmune diseases
9. Clinical aspects of the disease
10. Current therapeutic approaches
11. NS5A and interferon resistance
Part II. Recent Advances
12. Propagation of virus in culture
13. Understanding the natural history of HCV
14. HCV animal models
15. Vaccine research
Part III. Experimental Approaches
16. New systems to understand HCV biology
17. New antiviral screening assays
18. Antiviral gene therapy
Part IV. Protocols and Techniques
19. Sample collection, preparation and storage
20. HCV RNA in blood and tissue samples
21. HCV RNA genotypes and quasispecies
22. Replication of HCV in tissue culture
23. NS3 protease, helicase and NTPase
24. Characterization of NS5B
Part V. Outstanding Questions and Emerging Areas for Investigation

'The diligent reader of this book will come away with a thorough grounding in the virology and immunopathology of hepatitis C, know what the major sources of further information are, and understand why this infection is at once enigmatic, insidiously progressive, difficult to treat and hard to immunize against. Thoroughly recommended! Epidemiology and Infection