Intermittency in Turbulent Flows

Intermittency in Turbulent Flows

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 11/30/2000
EAN 9780521792219, ISBN10: 0521792215

Hardcover, 290 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

The dynamics of many nonlinear systems gravitate around a few common central themes: intermittency, order/coherence and disorder. These features affect scalings and lead to deviations from Gaussian behaviour. Intermittency may be the universal outcome of a large class of nonlinear systems; however the universality properties of specific nonlinear systems, that is the dependencies of the intermittent structure on initial and boundary conditions, remain open questions. This volume consists of articles by prominent figures who all participated in a workshop held at the Newton Institute in Cambridge. It reflects the aims of the workshop, namely to capture and summarise recent developments, encourage cross-fertilisation of ideas, lay out research directions for the future and provide an overview of our current understanding of the subject.

1. Introduction
2. Control of intermittency in near-wall turbulent flow P. N. Bossey and J. L. Lumley
3. Sil'nikov chaos in fluid flows T. Mullin, A. Juel and T. Peacock
4. Phase turbulence and heteroclinic cycles F. H. Busse, O. Brausch, M. Jaletzky and W. Pesch
5. ODE approach for the enstrophy of a class of 3D Euler flows K. Ohkitani
6. Scale separation and regularity of the Navier–Stokes equations C. R. Doering and J. D. Gibbon
7. Turbulent advection and breakdown of the Lagrangian flow K. Gawedski
8. Growth of magnetic fluctuations in a turbulent flow G. Falkovich
9. Non-homogeneous scalings in boundary layer turbulence S. Ciliberto, E. Lévêque and G. Ruiz Chavarria
10. Turbulent wakes of 3D fractal grids D. Queiros-Conde and J. C. Vassilicos
11. Vorticity statistics in the 2D enstrophy cascade, and tracer dispersion in the Batchelor regime M.-C. Jullien, P. Castiglione, J. Paret and P. Tabeling
12. On the origins of intermittency in real turbulent flows M. Kholmyansky and A. Tsinober
13. Scaling and structure in isotropic turbulence J. Jiménez, F. Moisy, P. Tabeling and H. Willaime
14. Capturing turbulent intermittency W. van de Water, A. Staicu and M.-C. Guegan
15. The exit-time approach for Lagrangian and Eulerian turbulence A. Vulpiani, L. Biferale, G. Boffetta, A. Celani, M. Cencini and D. Vergni
16. Statistical geometry and Lagrangian dynamics in turbulence M. Chertkov. A. Pumir and B. I. Shraiman
17. Flow structure visualization by a low-pressure vortex S. Kida, H. Miura and T. Adachi.