International Commercial Litigation: Text, Cases and Materials on Private International Law
Cambridge University Press
Edition: 2, 7/2/2015
EAN 9781107095892, ISBN10: 1107095891
Hardcover, 964 pages, 22.9 x 17.8 x 5.1 cm
Language: English
Taking a fresh and modern approach to the subject, this fully revised and restructured textbook provides everything necessary to gain a good understanding of international commercial litigation. Adopting a comparative stance, it provides extensive coverage of US and Commonwealth law, in addition to the core areas of English and EU law. Extracts from key cases and legislative acts are designed to meet the practical requirements of litigators as well as explaining the ideas behind legal provisions. Significant updates include new material on the recast of the Brussels I Regulation, the impact of EU law on choice-of-court agreements and arbitration agreements, and controversial decisions on antisuit injunctions. A companion website features important updates to the law.
Part I. Starting Off
1. Introduction
Part II. Jurisdiction
2. Jurisdiction
an analysis
3. Jurisdiction under EU law
4. EU law
special jurisdiction
5. The traditional English rules
6. Developments in Canada
7. US law
an outline
8. Choice-of-court agreements
9. Jurisdictional conflicts
the common-law approach
10. Jurisdictional conflicts
the EU approach
11. Special topic I
product liability
12. Special topic II
Part III. Foreign Judgments
13. Introduction to Part III
14. EU law
15. English law
16. English law
17. The Canadian conflicts (judgments) revolution
18. US law
some highlights
Part IV. Procedure
19. Freezing assets
20. Obtaining evidence abroad
forum procedures
21. Obtaining evidence abroad
international co-operation
Part V. Choice of Law
22. Introduction to choice of law
23. Torts
24. Contracts
the principle of party autonomy
25. Contracts
legal policy and choice of law
26. The common-law countries
regulating business, protecting employees and helping consumers
27. Foreign currency
28. Property
tangible movables
29. Contractual rights and property interests – I
30. Contractual rights and property interests – II
31 Contractual rights and property interests – III.