International Humanitarian Law: Cases, Materials and Commentary

International Humanitarian Law: Cases, Materials and Commentary

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Nicholas Tsagourias, Alasdair Morrison
Cambridge University Press, 6/14/2018
EAN 9781107090590, ISBN10: 1107090598

Hardcover, 422 pages, 25.4 x 17.8 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Drawing together key documents, case law, reports and other essential materials, International Humanitarian Law offers students, lecturers and practitioners an accessible and critically informed account of the theory, law and practice of international humanitarian law. Providing comprehensive, thematic and targeted coverage of national and international cases and materials, this book successfully balances doctrine with practical application to help readers understand how the theories are applied in practice and navigate through jurisprudence with ease. Employing a critical and targeted commentary throughout, this book also helps readers to better understand the implications of the law and the challenges facing international humanitarian law today including: cyber war, detention, direct participation in hostilities, human rights in armed conflict and terrorism. Suitable for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students and practitioners, International Humanitarian Law offers a thematic and comprehensive treatment of the subject.

1. Definition and classification of armed conflicts
2. Fundamental principles of international humanitarian law
3. The relationship between international humanitarian law and human rights law
4. Principle of distinction
5. Protection of civilians
6. Protection of prisoners of war
7. Means and methods of warfare and the law of targeting
8. Law of neutrality
9. Law of occupation
10. The law of non-international armed conflict
11. Enforcement of international humanitarian law
12. Command responsibility