International Management Ethics: A Critical, Cross-cultural Perspective
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Reissue, 2/3/2011
EAN 9780521618656, ISBN10: 0521618657
Paperback, 308 pages, 24.7 x 17.4 x 1.6 cm
Language: English
What can we learn about management ethics from other cultures and societies? In this textbook, cross-cultural management theory is applied and made relevant to management ethics. To help the reader understand different approaches that global businesses can take to operate successfully and ethically, there are chapters focusing on specific countries and regions. As well as giving the wider geographical, political and cultural contexts, the book includes numerous examples in every chapter to help the reader critique universal assumptions of what is ethical. By taking a closer look at the way we view other cultures and their values, the author challenges us to rethink commonly held assumptions and approaches in cross-cultural management, and to apply a more critical approach.
List of figures
List of tables
1. Introduction
ethics and cross-cultural management
Part I. Understanding Values and Management Ethics Across Cultural Space
2. Understanding culture and cultural interfaces
3. Culture, values and management ethics
4. Comparing management ethics across cultures
Part II. Understanding Values and Ethics Within and Among Cultural Spaces
5. Geopolitics and cultural invisibility
the United States
6. Institutions as culture, and the invisibility of ethics
a new Europe
7. The visibility of religion in ethical management
Islam and the Middle East
8. Reconstructing indigenous values and ethics
the South speaks back
9. The resurgence of ancient civilizations
a taste of the exotic
Part III. Managing Ethically Across Cultures [?]
10. Looking forward, looking back
Advance praise: 'This is an excellent book written in a clear and readable style, packed with examples and illustrations from different parts of the world. It is useful both as a core text or supplemental reading for students of international management and business ethics. Also, its significant depth and insight makes it a comprehensive reference for anyone with an interest in ethics and cross-cultural management.' Kamel Mellahi, Professor of Strategy, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick