Introduction to the Standard Model and Beyond: Quantum Field Theory, Symmetries and Phenomenology
Cambridge University Press, 7/8/2021
EAN 9781108494199, ISBN10: 1108494196
Hardcover, 636 pages, 24.8 x 19 x 3.2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English
The Standard Model of particle physics is an amazingly successful theory describing the fundamental particles and forces of nature. This text, written for a two-semester graduate course on the Standard Model, develops a practical understanding of the theoretical concepts it's built upon, to prepare students to enter research. The author takes a historical approach to demonstrate to students the process of discovery which is often overlooked in other textbooks, presenting quantum field theory and symmetries as the necessary tools for describing and understanding the Standard Model. He develops these tools using a basic understanding of quantum mechanics and classical field theory, such as Maxwell's electrodynamics, before discussing the important role that Noether's theorem and conserved charges play in the theory. Worked examples feature throughout the text, while homework exercises are included for the first five parts, with solutions available online for instructors. Inspired by the author's own teaching experience, suggestions for independent research topics have been provided for the second-half of the course, which students can then present to the rest of the class.
Part I. Getting Started
1. Notation
Part II. Symmetries and Quantum Field Theory
2. Poincare Invariance
3. Spin
4. Completeness and Normalization
5. Quantum Mechanics
6. Unitarity and Partial Waves
7. Introduction to Field Theory
8. Complex Scalar Field
9. Spin 1/2 Particles
10. Weyl Spinors
11. Spin 1 Particles
12. The S Matrix in Field Theory
Part III. Quantum Electrodynamics
13. QED
14. Magnetic Moments in QED
15. The Size of the Proton
Part IV. Discrete Symmetries and their Consequences
16. Charge Conjugation and Parity
17. Time Reversal Invariance
18. CPT Theorem
Part V. Flavor Symmetries
19. Global Symmetries
20. Testing Isospin and G Parity
21. Evidence for New Particles, Quantum Numbers and Interactions
22. Representation Theory for SU(2)
23. SU(3) Symmetry
24. Tests of SU(3) Symmetry
Part VI. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
25. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
26. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Hadronic Physics
27. Current Algebra and the Adler-Weisberger relation
Part VII. Road to the Standard Model
28. QCD
29. Quantizing Non-Abelian Gauge Theory
30. Renormalization
31. Deep Inelastic e − N Scattering
32. LHC Physics and Parton Distribution Functions
Part VIII. Road to the SM
Electroweak Theory
33. The Electroweak Theory
34. Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
35. Electroweak Phenomenon
36. Deep Inelastic Scattering Revisited
37. Weak Interactions of Quarks
Part IX. The Standard Model
38. Three Family Model
39. Determining VCKM and Quark Masses
40. CP violating parameters õK and õ′K
41. Effective Field Theories
42. Anomalies
Part X. Neutrino Oscillations
43. Neutrino Oscillations
44. Neutrino Oscillations
45. Neutrino Oscillations Continued
Neutrino Mass and Mixing Angles
Part XI. Grand Unification
46. Grand Unification
47. Supersymmetry
48. Superfields
49. SUSY SU(5)
Part XII. Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
50. Supersymmetric Standard Model
51. Spontaneous SUSY Breaking
52. MSSM Phenomenology
Part XIII. Second Semester Projects
53. Suggested Term Projects 1
54. Suggested Term Projects 2
Part XIV. Appendices
Appendix A
Gell-Mann-Low Theorem
Appendix B
Wick's Theorem
Appendix C
One Loop Calculations in QED
Appendix D
Renormalization in QED
Appendix E
Triangle Anomaly.