Language and the African American Child

Language and the African American Child

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Lisa J. Green
Cambridge University Press, 12/16/2010
EAN 9780521618175, ISBN10: 0521618177

Paperback, 284 pages, 21.6 x 13.8 x 1.6 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

How do children acquire African American English? How do they develop the specific language patterns of their communities? Drawing on spontaneous speech samples and data from structured elicitation tasks, this book explains the developmental trends in the children's language. It examines topics such as the development of tense/aspect marking, negation and question formation, and addresses the link between intonational patterns and meaning. Lisa Green shows the impact that community input has on children's development of variation in the production of certain constructions such as possessive -s, third person singular verbal -s, and forms of copula and auxiliary be. She discusses the implications that the linguistic description has for practical applications, such as developing instructional materials for children in the early stages of their education.

1. Child AAE
an introductory overview of the data and context
2. Characterizing AAE
feature lists, dual components, patterns and systems
3. System of tense-aspect marking 1
non-past and habitual
4. System of tense-aspect marking 2
past time
5. Negation
focus on negative concord
6. Asking questions
seeking clarification and requesting elaboration
7. Variation
intra-dialectal/variable-shifting and inter-dialectal/code-shifting
8. The D.I.R.E.C.T. model
linking linguistic description and education.