Law and Development Perspective on International Trade Law
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 7/25/2011
EAN 9781107011618, ISBN10: 1107011612
Hardcover, 458 pages, 22.9 x 15.5 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
Economic development is the most important agenda in the international trading system today, as demonstrated by the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) adopted in the current multilateral trade negotiations of the World Trade Organization (the Doha Round). This book provides a relevant discussion of major international trade law issues from the perspective of development in the following areas: general issues on international trade law and economic development; and specific law and development issues in World Trade Organization, Free Trade Agreement and regional initiatives. This book offers an unparalleled breadth of coverage on the topic and diversity of authorship, as seventeen leading scholars contribute chapters from nine major developed and developing countries, including the United States, Canada, Japan, China (including Hong Kong), South Korea, Australia, Singapore and Israel.
Part I. Developing Countries and International Trade
1. Law and development for lease-developed countries
theoretical basis and regulatory framework for microtrade Yong-Shik Lee
2. Development disputes in international trade Tomer Broude
3. Intellectual property rights, trade, and economic development Bryan Mercurio
4. Trade, border security, and development Maureen Irish
Part II. Law and Development in the World Trade Organization
5. World Trade Organization and developing countries
reform proposal Yong-Shik Lee
6. Rediscovering the role of developing countries in GATT/WTO before the Doha Round Faizel Ismail
7. The WTO dispute settlement from the perspective of developing countries Gary Horlick and Katherine Fennell
8. Pacific countries in the WTO
accession and accommodation, the reality of WTO accession Andrew Mitchell and Joanne Wallis
Part III. Law and Development in Free Trade Agreements
9. North-South regional trade agreements
prospects, risks, and legal regulation Moche Hirsch
10. Free trade agreements
WTO disciplines and development perspectives Mitsuo Matsushita and Yong-Shik Lee
11. FTAs, developing countries, and human rights conditionality Anthony Cassimatis
12. Free trade agreement and foreign direct investment
a viable answer for economic development? Yong-Shik Lee
Part IV. Law and Development in Regional Initiatives
13. Islands of prosperity and poverty
a rational trade development policy for economically heterogeneous states Colin Picker
14. The generalized system of preferences of the United States
does it promote industrialization and economic growth in least developed countries? Caf Dowlah
15. Economic development of North Korea
call for international trade based development policy and legal reform Yong-Shik Lee, Young-Ok Kim and Hye Seong Mun
16. Applying the 'specificity' test of the WTO subsidy rule in the context of China's foreign investment policies Xiaojie Lu
17. Non-conclusion Gary Horlick.