Lawyers and the Public Good: Democracy in Action? (The Hamlyn Lectures)

Lawyers and the Public Good: Democracy in Action? (The Hamlyn Lectures)

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Alan Paterson
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 9/15/2011
EAN 9781107626287, ISBN10: 1107626285

Paperback, 242 pages, 21.6 x 14 x 1.4 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

For the 2010 Hamlyn Lectures, Alan Paterson explores different facets of three key institutions in a democracy: lawyers, access to justice and the judiciary. In the case of lawyers he asks whether professionalism is now in terminal decline. To examine access to justice, he discusses past and present crises in legal aid and potential endgames and in relation to judges he examines possible mechanisms for enhancing judicial accountability. In demonstrating that the benign paternalism of lawyers in determining the public good with respect to such issues is no longer unchallenged, he argues that the future roles of lawyers, access to justice and the judiciary will only emerge from dialogues with other stakeholders claiming to speak for the public interest.

1. Introduction
determining the public good
2. Professionalism reassessed
what now for lawyers?
3. Access to justice
whither legal aid?
4. Judges and the public good
reflections on the last Law Lords
5. Conclusion
where next?