Making Climate Change Work for Us: European Perspectives on Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies (Adam Book Series from Cambridge University Press)

Making Climate Change Work for Us: European Perspectives on Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies (Adam Book Series from Cambridge University Press)

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Henry Neufeldt
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 9/27/2012
EAN 9781107671386, ISBN10: 1107671388

Paperback, 445 pages, 24.6 x 17.5 x 2.3 cm
Language: English

Introducing the main challenges and opportunities of developing local, regional and global strategies for addressing climate change, this book explains the dilemmas faced when converting strategies into policies. Providing a synthesis of the findings of the three-year European Commission ADAM (Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies) research project and written by many leading interdisciplinary climate change research teams, European strategies for tackling climate change are placed within a global context. The book illustrates the differences between adaptation and mitigation, offers regional and global case studies of how adaptation and mitigation are inter-linked, and suggests six different metaphors for the strategic options to make climate change work for us, rather than against us. Offering practical solutions to climate change – both adaptation and mitigation – within the policy contexts in which these solutions have to be implemented, this book is valuable for researchers in varied related fields, as well policymakers in government, industry and NGOs.

List of contributing authors
List of abbreviations
Part I. Concepts and Scenarios
1. Climate policy and inter-linkages between adaptation and mitigation Henry Neufeldt
2. Climate change appraisal in the EU
current trends and future challenges Duncan Russell
3. Scenarios as the basis for assessment of mitigation and adaptation Detlef P. van Vuuren
4. National responsibilities for adaptation strategies
lessons from four modelling frameworks Asbjørn Aaheim
5. Learning to adapt
re-framing climate change adaptation Jochen Hinkel
Part II. Strategies Within Europe
6. How do climate policies work? Dilemmas in European climate governance Frans Berkhout
7. Transforming the European energy system Gunnar S. Eskeland
8. A risk management approach for assessing adaptation to changing flood and drought risks in Europe Reinhard Mechler
9. Mainstreaming adaptation in regional land use and water management Saskia E. Werners
Part III. Strategies Beyond Europe
10. Global climate governance after 2012
architecture, agency and adaptation Frank Biermann
11. The economics of low stabilisation
implications for technological change and policy Brigitte Knopf
12. Mainstreaming climate change in development cooperation policy
conditions for success Joyeeta Gupta
13. Insurance as part of a climate adaptation strategy Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer
Part IV. Synthesis
14. What can social science tell us about meeting the challenge of climate change? Five insights from five years that might make a difference Anthony Patt
description of models

Review of the hardback: 'Hulme and Neufeldt present detailed research on adaptation and mitigation strategies at a crucial time for European climate policy ... will have a significant appeal for researchers and policy makers ... this book could have an effective contribution to societies worldwide.' The Geographical Journal