Malleus Maleficarum 2 Volume Set

Malleus Maleficarum 2 Volume Set

  • £38.79
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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Annotated, 2012-01-12
EAN 9781107642393, ISBN10: 1107642396

Paperback, 1351 pages, 22.9 x 15.5 x 7.1 cm
Language: English

The Malleus Maleficarum is the most famous early modern text on witches and witch hunting. Often known as the 'Hammer of Witches', the Malleus consists of a demonstration of the existence of witchcraft and a discussion of both the practice of witchcraft and cures for the injuries caused by it, together with a recommended method of exterminating it judicially. It was republished twenty-six times in the early modern period, and remained a standard text on witchcraft for centuries. This fully annotated edition is based on the first edition of 1486-7 and presents the Latin text together with a full textual apparatus. The extensive introduction discusses the authorship, method of composition, and intellectual background of the work. The second volume provides an accurate English translation, together with detailed explanatory notes. This important edition makes this vital text accessible to historians of the period and offers extraordinary insights into the attitudes and prejudices inspired by the fear of witches.

Review of the hardback: 'This magisterial, two-volume set is destined to become the definitive edition and translation of the notorious fifteenth-century 'Hammer of the Witches'.' Neo-Latin News