Memory, Language, and Bilingualism: Theoretical and Applied Approaches
Cambridge University Press, 11/1/2012
EAN 9781107008908, ISBN10: 1107008905
Hardcover, 388 pages, 22.8 x 15.2 x 2.2 cm
Language: English
The relationship between memory and language and the topic of bilingualism are important areas of research in both psychology and linguistics and are grounded in cognitive and linguistic paradigms, theories and experimentation. This volume provides an integrated theoretical/real-world approach to second language learning, use and processing from a cognitive perspective. A strong international and interdisciplinary team of contributors present the results of various explorations into bilingual language processing, from recent advances in studies on bilingual memory to studies on the role of the brain in language processing and language forgetting. This is a strong yet balanced combination of theoretical/overview contributions and accounts of novel, original, empirical studies which will educate readers on the relationship between theory, cognitive experimentation and data and their role in understanding language learning and practice.
Introduction Jeanette Altarriba and Ludmila Isurin
1. Bilingual memory
structure, access, and processing James Bartolotti and Viorica Marian
2. Lexical competition in localist and distributed connectionist models of L2 acquisition Ton Dijkstra, Femke Haga, Alex Bijsterveld and Ida Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper
3. Working memory and (second) language processing Arnaud Szmalec, Marc Brysbaert and Wouter Duyck
4. Working memory in simultaneous interpreters Teresa M. Signorelli and Loraine Obler
5. Using electrophysiological measures to track the mapping of words to concepts in the bilingual brain
a focus on translation Janet G. van Hell and Judith F. Kroll
6. Age effects in L2 learning
comparing child and adult learners' performance on tests of implicit and explicit memory Pavel Trofimovich, Sandra Martin-Chang and Kyle Levesque
7. Bilingualism, language, and aging Mira Goral
8. Crossovers and codeswitching in the investigation of immigrant autobiographical memory Carmit Altman, Robert W. Schrauf and Joel Walters
9. Linguistic relativity and bilingualism Panos Athanasopoulos and Fraibet Aveledo
10. Testing effects for novel word learning in Chinese–English bilinguals Chi-Shing Tse and Xiaoping Pu
11. The lexicon in second language attrition
what happens when the cat's got your tongue? Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig and David Stringer
12. Memory and first language forgetting Ludmila Isurin
13. Future research directions
bilingualism, memory, and language Jeanette Altarriba.
Advance praise: 'This comprehensive collection of cutting-edge interdisciplinary research into bilingual cognition makes important contributions to theory and practice alike. A must for both students and experienced researchers.' Nick Ellis, University of Michigan