Mutual Intercultural Relations (Culture and Psychology)

Mutual Intercultural Relations (Culture and Psychology)

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Cambridge University Press, 10/26/2017
EAN 9781107183957, ISBN10: 1107183952

Hardcover, 452 pages, 24.1 x 16.4 x 2.7 cm
Language: English

In culturally diverse societies, one of the biggest questions on our minds is 'how shall we all live together?' Mutual Intercultural Relations offers an answer to this fundamental and topical issue. By exploring intercultural relationships between dominant/national and non-dominant/ethnic populations in seventeen societies around the world, the contributors are each able to chart the respective views of those populations and to generate 'general' principles of intercultural relations. The research reported in this book is guided by three psychological hypotheses which are evaluated by empirical research: multiculturalism, contact and integration. It was also carried out comparatively in order to gain knowledge about intercultural relations that may be general and not limited to a few social and political contexts. Understanding these general principles will offer help in the development of public policies and programmes designed to improve the quality of intercultural relations in culturally diverse societies around the world.

1. Introduction John W. Berry
2. Intercultural relations in Russia Nadezhda Lebedeva, Victoria Galyapina, Zarina Lepshokova and Tatiana Ryabichenko
3. Intercultural relations in Latvia and Azerbaijan Nadezhda Lebedeva, Alexander Tatarko and Victoria Galyapina
4. Intercultural relations in Estonia Raivo Vetik, Maaris Raudsepp, Jüri Kruusvall, Larissa Kus-Harbord, Marianna Makarova and Aune Valk
5. Intercultural relations in Finland Asteria Brylka, Inga Jasinskaja-Lahti and Tuuli Anna Mähönen
6. Intercultural relations in Norway David L. Sam, Raivo Vetik, Marianna Makarova and Maaris Raudsepp
7. Intercultural relations in Germany Katja Hanke, Marieke C. van Egmond, Anette Rohmann and Klaus Boehnke
8. Intercultural relations in Switzerland Andrea U. Haenni Hoti, S. Heinzmann, M. Müller, A. Buholzer and R. Künzle
9. Intercultural relations in Greece Vassilis Pavlopoulos and Frosso Motti-Stefanidi
10. Intercultural relations in Italy Cristiano Inguglia, Pasquale Musso and Alida Lo Coco
11. Intercultural relations in Malta Gordon Sammut and Maryanne Lauri
12. Intercultural relations in Portugal Felix Neto and Joana Neto
13. Intercultural relations in Spain Hector Grad
14. Intercultural relations in India R. C. Mishra, S. Bano and R. C. Tripathi
15. Intercultural relations in Hong Kong Algae Kit Yee Au, Bryant Pui Hung Hui and Sylvia Xiaohua Chen
16. Intercultural relations in Australia Justine Dandy, Kevin Dunn, Jolanda Jetten, Yin Paradies, Lena Robinson and Tahereh Ziaian
17. Intercultural relations in Canada Saba Safdar, Gui Yongxia, R. C. Annis, R. Gibson and John W. Berry
18. Evaluation of the hypotheses and conclusions John W. Berry.