Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World

Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World

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Jon Kleinberg, David Easley
Cambridge University Press
Edition: unknown, 7/19/2010
EAN 9780521195331, ISBN10: 0521195330

Hardcover, 744 pages, 26.4 x 19 x 3 cm
Language: English

Are all film stars linked to Kevin Bacon? Why do the stock markets rise and fall sharply on the strength of a vague rumour? How does gossip spread so quickly? Are we all related through six degrees of separation? There is a growing awareness of the complex networks that pervade modern society. We see them in the rapid growth of the internet, the ease of global communication, the swift spread of news and information, and in the way epidemics and financial crises develop with startling speed and intensity. This introductory book on the new science of networks takes an interdisciplinary approach, using economics, sociology, computing, information science and applied mathematics to address fundamental questions about the links that connect us, and the ways that our decisions can have consequences for others.

1. Overview
Part I. Graph Theory and Social Networks
2. Graphs
3. Strong and weak ties
4. Networks in their surrounding contexts
5. Positive and negative relationships
Part II. Game Theory
6. Games
7. Evolutionary game theory
8. Modeling network traffic using game theory
9. Auctions
Part III. Markets and Strategic Interaction in Networks
10. Matching markets
11. Network models of markets with intermediaries
12. Bargaining and power in networks
Part IV. Information Networks and the World Wide Web
13. The structure of the Web
14. Link analysis and Web search
15. Sponsored search markets
Part V. Network Dynamics
Population Models
16. Information cascades
17. Network effects
18. Power laws and rich-get-richer phenomena
Part VI. Network Dynamics
Structural Models
19. Cascading behavior in networks
20. The small-world phenomenon
21. Epidemics
Part VII. Institutions and Aggregate Behavior
22. Markets and information
23. Voting
24. Property.

'The first college-level text on network science, it should be a big hit for students in economics and business.' Stan Wasserman, Indiana University