Nonlinear Optical Polarization Analysis in Chemistry and Biology (Cambridge Molecular Science)
Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 3/24/2017
EAN 9780521519083, ISBN10: 052151908X
Hardcover, 456 pages, 24.8 x 17.8 x 2.5 cm
Language: English
This rigorous yet accessible guide presents a molecular-based description of nonlinear optical polarization analysis of chemical and biological assemblies. It includes discussion of the most common nonlinear optical microscopy and interfacial measurements used for quantitative analysis, specifically second harmonic generation (SHG), two-photon excited fluorescence (2PEF), vibrational sum frequency generation (SFG), and coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy/stimulated Raman spectroscopy (CARS/SRS). A linear algebra mathematical framework is developed, allowing step-wise systematic connections to be made between the observable measurements and the molecular response. Effects considered include local field corrections, the molecular orientation distribution, rotations between the molecular frame, the local frame and the laboratory frame, and simplifications from molecular and macromolecular symmetry. Specific examples are provided throughout the book, working from the common and relatively simple case studies through to the most general scenarios.
1. Introduction
2. The molecular nonlinear polarizability
3. Visualization of the molecular tensor
4. NLO properties of coupled oscillators and crystals
5. Second order nonlinear optical properties of proteins
6. Surface SHG and SFG
7. Chirality in nonlinear optics
8. Nonlinear optical ellipsometry
9. Bridging the local to laboratory frames in SHG and SFG microscopy
10. Polarization-dependent CARS/SRS microscopy
11. Hyper-Rayleigh scattering
12. Polarization-dependent single and multi-photon excited fluorescence of isotropic assemblies
13. 1PEF and 2PEF from uniaxial interfaces
14. 1PEF and 2PEF microscopy
15. Mueller tensors.