Normative Language Policy

Normative Language Policy

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Yael Peled Leigh Oakes
Cambridge University Press, 7/31/2017
EAN 9781107143166, ISBN10: 1107143160

Hardcover, 280 pages, 23.5 x 15.6 x 1.5 cm
Language: English

Language politics in the new global era presents policymakers with significant ethical challenges. How should the reality of English as a global language influence the normative considerations underpinning national language policies? What moral arguments justify the imposition of national languages in an era of increased immigration and ethnolinguistic diversity? What role is there for non-dominant varieties in a globalised world? Building on the emerging notion of 'normative language policy', this book proposes an integrated framework for the study of such questions, combining recent normative work on language in political theory and philosophy with empirically-derived insight from the fields of sociolinguistics and applied linguistics. The case of Quebec forms the backdrop of the study, providing a particularly illuminating setting for investigating the common moral challenges that face contemporary polities seeking to maintain distinct linguistic identities, in an irreducibly diverse world increasingly dominated by English as a global lingua franca.

1. Introduction
2. Language policy and planning in Quebec
a brief overview
3. In defence of the vernacular
French in the age of global English
4. Linguistic citizenship
identity, integration and interculturalism
5. Pluricentric linguistic justice in Quebec
beyond the monocentric ideology
6. Normative language policy in a complex world.