Pattern Formation and Dynamics in Nonequilibrium Systems

Pattern Formation and Dynamics in Nonequilibrium Systems

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Michael Cross, Henry Greenside
Cambridge University Press, 7/16/2009
EAN 9780521770507, ISBN10: 0521770505

Hardcover, 552 pages, 24.4 x 17 x 3 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Many exciting frontiers of science and engineering require understanding the spatiotemporal properties of sustained nonequilibrium systems such as fluids, plasmas, reacting and diffusing chemicals, crystals solidifying from a melt, heart muscle, and networks of excitable neurons in brains. This introductory textbook for graduate students in biology, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and physics provides a systematic account of the basic science common to these diverse areas. This book provides a careful pedagogical motivation of key concepts, discusses why diverse nonequilibrium systems often show similar patterns and dynamics, and gives a balanced discussion of the role of experiments, simulation, and analytics. It contains numerous worked examples and over 150 exercises. This book will also interest scientists who want to learn about the experiments, simulations, and theory that explain how complex patterns form in sustained nonequilibrium systems.

1. Introduction
2. Linear instability
3. Linear instability
application to reacting and diffusing chemicals
4. Nonlinear states
5. Models
6. One-dimensional amplitude equation
7. Amplitude equations for two-dimensional patterns
8. Defects and fronts
9. Patterns far from threshold
10. Oscillatory patterns
11. Excitable media
12. Numerical methods

'This book gives an excellent didactic introduction to pattern formation in spatially extended systems. It can serve both as the basis for an advanced undergraduate or graduate course as well as a reference. It is one of those books that will never outlive its usefulness. It is a must for anyone interested in non-linear, non-equilibrium physics.' Eberhard Bodenschatz, MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization, University of Goettingen, Cornell University