Perspectives in Ecological Theory and Integrated Pest Management

Perspectives in Ecological Theory and Integrated Pest Management

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Paul Jepson Edited by Marcos Kogan
Cambridge University Press, 6/28/2007
EAN 9780521822138, ISBN10: 0521822130

Hardcover, 590 pages, 25.8 x 18 x 3.2 cm
Language: English

Since the early days of integrated pest management a sound ecological foundation has been considered essential for the development of effective systems. From time to time, there have been attempts to evaluate the ways in which ecological theory is exploited in pest control, and to review the lessons that ecologists learn from pest management. In the last 20 years there have been many developments within the contribution of ecological theory to integrated pest management. This book captures some of the themes in both pest management and ecology that have emerged and provides an updated assessment of the role that basic ecology plays in the development of rational and sustainable pest management practices. Major themes are examined, assessing the significance and potential impact of recent technological and conceptual developments for the future of integrated pest management.

ecology and IPM Marcos Kogan and Paul C. Jepson
1. An ecologist's view of IPM Richard Levins
2. Ecology and the human factor
ecological scales and levels of IPM integration Marcos Kogan
Part I. Level one IPM
Species- And Population-Level Processes Marcos Kogan and Paul C. Jepson
3. Ecosystematics and IPM Darlene Judd
4. Populations, metapopulations
elementary units of IPM systems Linton Winder and Ian Woiwod
5. Arthropod behavioural ecology and IPM Ronald Prokopy and Bernard Roitberg
6. Arthropod sexual behaviour and IPM Ring Carde
7. Ecology of arthropod/ plant interactions and IPM John C. Reese and Marcos Kogan
8. Nutritional ecology of plant feeding arthropods and IPM Antonio Panizzi
9. Conservation biology, biodiversity and IPM Steve D. Wratten, Dieter F. Hochuli, Geoff M. Gurr and Jason Tylianakis
10. Entomopathogen ecology in biocontrol systems Flavio Moscardi
11. Ecological risks of biocontrol agents
impact on IPM Heikki Hokkanen, Joop van Lenteren and Ingeborg Menzler-Hokkanen
Part II. Level Two IPM
Community-Level Processes - Multiple Pest Marcos Kogan and Paul C. Jepson
12. Long distance movement of arthropods and dynamics of crop field colonisation Keith Walters, Richard Baker and Ray Cannon
13. Ecology of genetically transformed host plants and natural enemies George Kennedy and Fred Gould
14. Host plants/ herbivores/ natural enemies
dynamics of tritrophic interactions Andrew P. Gutierrez and Johann Baumgärtner
15. Weed ecology, habitat management and IPM Robert Norris
16. Ecological bases of weed management with herbivorous arthropods and plant pathogens Peter McEvoy and Christopher C. Mundt
17. Ecology of plant pathogens and IPM Joyce Loper
18. Ecology of vertebrate pests and IPM Gary W. Witmer
19. Ecological bases of habitat management for IPM Daniel McGrath
Part III. Level Three IPM
Ecosystems-Level Processes Marcos Kogan and Paul C. Jepson
20. Ecosystems- concepts, analyses, and practical implications in IPM Timothy D. Schowalter
21. Ecosystems ecology and IPM Clara Nicholls and Miguel Altieri
Part IV. Ecological Scale-Independent Processes Marcos Kogan and Paul C. Jepson
22. Molecular ecology
applications to IPM Paul J. De Barro, O. R. Edwards and P. Sunnucks
23. Ecotoxicology and IPM Paul C. Jepson
24. Environmental/ ecological economics and IPM.