Policy, Regulation and Innovation in China's Electricity and Telecom Industries

Policy, Regulation and Innovation in China's Electricity and Telecom Industries

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Cambridge University Press, 5/30/2019
EAN 9781108480994, ISBN10: 1108480993

Hardcover, 526 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 3.3 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

The scale of China's innovation ambitions inspires worldwide commentary, much of it poorly informed. Focusing on electricity, telecommunication and semiconductors, this book offers a richly detailed account of China's innovation efforts. Massive application of human, policy and financial resources shows great promise, but institutional obstacles, conflicting objectives, ill-advised policies and Soviet-era legacies inject inefficiencies, resulting in a complex mosaic of success and failure in both technical and commercial dimensions. State Grid leads the world in high-voltage power transmission, while domestic semiconductors lag behind the international frontier. Electricity and telecom providers record impressive technical advances, but overinvestment and inefficient operation contribute to high costs and prices. Nuclear power combines technical excellence with commercial weakness. Cost reduction rather than new technology underpins commercial success in solar materials. The book's granular studies look beyond specific technologies to incorporate the policy matrix, regulatory structures and global developments into the appraisal of China's innovation achievements.

1. Policy, regulation and innovation in China's electricity and telecom industries Loren Brandt and Thomas G. Rawski
2. Electricity and telecom regulation
China in context Irene S. Wu
3. Local government and firm innovation
China's clean energy sector Margaret M. Pearson
4. Electricity systems integration challenges
a local perspective Michael Davidson
5. When global technology meets local standards
re-assessing China's communications policy in the age of platform innovation Eric Thun and Timothy Sturgeon
6. State grid
an entrepreneurial and innovative state enterprise Yi-chong Xu
7. Growth, upgrading and limited catch-up in China's semiconductor industry Douglas B. Fuller
8. Growth, upgrading and excess cost in China's electric power sector Thomas G. Rawski
9. China's development of wind and solar power Loren Brandt and Luhang Wang
10. Capability upgrading and catch-up in civil nuclear power
the case of China Ravi Madhavan, Thomas G. Rawski and Qingfeng Tian.