Politics of India Since Independence 2ed (The New Cambridge History of India)

Politics of India Since Independence 2ed (The New Cambridge History of India)

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: 2, 1/12/2008
EAN 9780521459709, ISBN10: 0521459702

Paperback, 428 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.7 cm
Language: English

The Politics of India since Independence provides a comprehensive study of the major political, cultural, and economic changes in India since gaining independence. Paul Brass focuses on the consequences of the centralising drives of the national leadership to create a strong, unified nation, and a dynamic economy, all of which have been put into jeopardy in recent years by increased inter-caste conflicts, the rise of militant Hindu nationalism, and the worst communal massacres since Independence. In the second edition of his book, the author takes account of recent events to ask whether the country can find the right leadership to restore a political and communal balance in state and society.

List of figures and tables
List of abbreviations
1. Introduction
continuities and discontinuities between pre- and post-Independence India
Part I. Political Change
2. Political change, political structure and the functioning of government
3. Parties and politics
4. State and local politics
Part II. Pluralism and National Integration
5. Language problems
6. Crises of national unity
Punjab, the northeast and Kashmir
7. Communal and caste conflict
secularism, Hindu nationalism and the Indian state
Part III. Political Economy
8. Politics, economic development and social change
9. Political aspects of agricultural change
10. Conclusion
problems and prospects