Principles of Medicine in Africa
Cambridge University Press
Edition: 4, 1/17/2013
EAN 9781107002517, ISBN10: 1107002516
Hardcover, 1000 pages, 28.3 x 22.3 x 4.5 cm
Language: English
Principles of Medicine in Africa combines classical clinical medicine with a rich understanding of the major environmental and cultural influences on health and disease, providing comprehensive guidance for anyone intending to practise medicine in Africa. Disease is presented in the context of family and culture, and the effects of inequality and problems of limited resources are addressed. The authors have a wealth of experience in front line healthcare and provide practical, evidence-based management guidelines for all the common and less common conditions likely to be encountered. This fourth edition has been thoroughly updated to incorporate the latest research findings and management guidelines. It includes an expanded section on maternal and child health, but careful editing has generated a slimmer volume, whilst retaining all of the essential content. This is the one essential text for medical students and healthcare professionals wanting a complete and up-to-date reference book on medicine in Africa.
Part I. Health and Disease
1. People and their environment
2. Food and nutrition
3. Refugees and disasters
4. Managing a health service
Part II. Mother and Child Health
5. The pregnant patient
6. Neonatal care
7. The integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI)
8. Severe acute malnutrition in childhood
9. Diarrhoea
10. Pneumonia and acute lower respiratory tract infections in children
11. Measles
12. Pertussis
Part III. Infection
General Principles
13. The immune response to infection
14. Approach to the febrile patient
15. The control and prevention of infection
Part IV. Major Common Infections
16. Malaria
18. Tuberculosis
19. Pneumonia in adults
20. Meningitis
21. Sexually transmitted infections
Part V. Bacterial Infections
22. Typhoid, paratyphoid and non-typhoid salmonella infections
23. Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus
24. Rickettsial infections
25. Brucellosis
26. Leptospirosis
27. Relapsing fever
28. Plague
29. Anthrax
30. Tetanus
31. Diphtheria
32. Leprosy
33. Cholera
Part VI. Viral Infections
34. Viral haemorrhagic fevers
yellow fever, Lassa fever, Rift Valley fever, Ebola/Marburg fever and Crimean-Congo fever
35. Dengue
36. Rabies
37. Influenza
38. Poliomyelitis
39. Varicella (chicken pox), Herpes zoster and monkey pox
40. Rubella
41. Mumps
Part VII. Protozoal Infections
42. Leishmaniasis
43. Human Africa trypanosomiasis
44. Amoebiasis
45. Intestinal protozoa
Part VIII. Helminth Infections
46. Intestinal helminths
47. Schistosomiasis
48. Lymphatic filariasis and Loa Loa
49. Onchocerciasis
50. Cysticercosis
51. Hydatid disease
52. Paragonimiasis
53. Trichinosis
54. Guinea worm
Part IX. Fungal Infections
55. Fungal infections
Part X. Non-Communicable Diseases
56. Chronic and non-communicable disease in Africa
57. Chronic non-communicable disease in health care
58. Diabetes mellitus
59. Hypertension
60. Stroke
61. Epilepsy
62. Mental health
63. Asthma
64. The disabled patient
Part XI. Diseases of Body Systems
65. The heart
66. The lung
67. Blood disorders
68. The gut
69. The liver
70. The kidney and body fluids
71. Bones and joints
72. Endocrinology
73. The nervous system
74. The skin
75. The eye
Part XII. Cancer and Palliative Care
76. Cancers and lymphomas
77. Palliative care in Africa
Part XIII. Venoms and Poisons
78. Venomous and other dangerous animals
79. Poisoning
'This is a big book, physically and intellectually, and must rank among the very best on health care anywhere.' The Lancet