Proust, the Body and Literary Form (Cambridge Studies in French)

Proust, the Body and Literary Form (Cambridge Studies in French)

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Michael R. Finn
Cambridge University Press, 3/25/1999
EAN 9780521641890, ISBN10: 0521641896

Hardcover, 226 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.6 cm
Language: English

This 1999 study examines the connections between Proust's fin-de-siècle 'nervousness' and his apprehensions regarding literary form. Michael Finn shows that Proust's anxieties both about bodily weakness and about novel-writing were fed by a set of intriguing psychological and medical texts, and were mirrored in the nerve-based afflictions of earlier writers including Flaubert, Baudelaire, Nerval and the Goncourt brothers. Finn argues that once Proust cast off his concerns about being a nervous weakling he was freed to poke fun both at the supposed purity of the novel form. Hysteria - as a figure and as a theme - becomes a key to the Proustian narrative, and a certain kind of wordless, bodily copying of gesture and event is revealed to be at the heart of a writing technique which undermines many of the conventions of fiction.

1. Proust between neurasthenia and hysteria
2. An anxiety of language
3. Transitive writing
4. Form
from anxiety to play