QCD as a Theory of Hadrons: From Partons to Confinement: 17 (Cambridge Monographs on Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology, Series Number 17)

QCD as a Theory of Hadrons: From Partons to Confinement: 17 (Cambridge Monographs on Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology, Series Number 17)

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Stephan Narison
Cambridge University Press, 2/2/2004
EAN 9780521811644, ISBN10: 0521811643

Hardcover, 812 pages, 25.4 x 18.3 x 4.8 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

This book provides a pedagogical introduction to the perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Introducing the basic theory and recent advances in QCD, it also reviews the historical development of the subject, covering pre-QCD ideas of strong interactions such as the quark and parton models, the notion of colours and the S-matrix approach. The author then discusses gauge theory, techniques of dimensional regularization and renormalization, deep inelastic scattering and hard processes in hadron collisions, hadron jets and e+e– annihilations. Other topics include power corrections and the technologies of the Shifman-Vainshtein-Zakharov operating product expansion. The final parts of the book are devoted to modern non-perturbative approaches to QCD and the phenomenological aspects of QCD spectral sum rules. The book will be a valuable reference for graduate students and researchers in high-energy particle and nuclear physics, both theoretical and experimental.

About Stephan Narison
Outline of the book
Part I. General Introduction
1. A short flash on particle physics
2. The pre-QCD era
3. The QCD story
4. Field theory ingredients
Part II. QCD Gauge Theory
5. Lagrangian and gauge invariance
6. Quantization using path integral
7. QCD and its global invariance
Part III. MS scheme for QCD and QED
8. Dimensional regularization
9. The MS renormalization scheme
10. Renormalization of operators using the background field method
11. The renormalization group
12. Other renormalization schemes
13. MS scheme for QED
14. High-precision low-energy QED tests
Part IV. Deep Inelastic Scattering at Hadron Colliders
15. OPE for deep inelastic scattering
16. Unpolarized lepton-hadron scattering
17. The Altarelli-Parisi equation
18. More on unpolarized deep inelastic scatterings
19. Polarized deep-inelastic processes
20. Drell-Yan process
21. One 'prompt photon' inclusive production
Part V. Hard Processes in e+e– Collisions
22. One hadron inclusive production
23. gg scatterings and the 'spin' of the photon
24. QCD jets
25. Total inclusive hadron productions
Part VI. Summary of QCD Tests and as Measurements
Part VII. Power Corrections in QCD
26. Introduction
27. The SVZ expansion
28. Technologies for evaluating Wilson coefficients
29. Renormalons
30. Beyond the SVZ expansion
Part VIII. QCD Two-Point Functions
31. References guide to original works
32. (Pseudo)scalar correlators
33. (Axial-)vector two-point functions
34. Tensor-quark correlator
35. Baryonic correlators
36. Four-quark correlators
37. Gluonia correlators
38. Hybrid correlators
39. Correlators in x-space
Part IX. QCD Non-Perturbative Methods
40. Introduction
41. Lattice gauge theory
42. Chiral perturbation theory
43. Models of the QCD effective action
44. Heavy quark effective theory
45. Potential approaches to quarkonia
46. On monopole and confinement
Part X. QCD Spectral Sum Rules
47. Introduction
48. Theoretical foundations
49. Survey of QCD spectral sum rules
50. Weinberg and DMO sum rules
51. The QCD coupling as
52. The QCD condensates
53. Light and heavy quark masses, etc.
54. Hadron spectroscopy
55. D, B and Bc exclusive weak decays
56. B0(s)-B0(s) mixing, kaon CP violation
57. Thermal behaviour of QCD
58. More on spectral sum rules
Part XI. Appendix A
physical constants and unites
Appendix B
weight factors for SU(N)c
Appendix C
coordinates and momenta
Appendix D
Dirac equation and matrices
Appendix E
Feynman rules
Appendix F
Feynman integrals
Appendix G
useful formulae for the sum rules