Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Using R (Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology)

Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Using R (Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology)

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Dr David L. Carlson
Cambridge University Press, 6/26/2017
EAN 9781107040212, ISBN10: 1107040213

Hardcover, 452 pages, 25.3 x 17.7 x 2.6 cm
Language: English

Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Using R is the first hands-on guide to using the R statistical computing system written specifically for archaeologists. It shows how to use the system to analyze many types of archaeological data. Part I includes tutorials on R, with applications to real archaeological data showing how to compute descriptive statistics, create tables, and produce a wide variety of charts and graphs. Part II addresses the major multivariate approaches used by archaeologists, including multiple regression (and the generalized linear model); multiple analysis of variance and discriminant analysis; principal components analysis; correspondence analysis; distances and scaling; and cluster analysis. Part III covers specialized topics in archaeology, including intra-site spatial analysis, seriation, and assemblage diversity.

1. Organization of the book
Part I. R and Basic Statistics
2. Introduction to R
3. Looking at data – numerical summaries
4. Looking at data – tables
5. Looking at data – graphs
6. Transformations
7. Missing values
8. Confidence intervals and hypothesis testing
9. Relating variables
Part II. Multivariate Methods
10. Multiple regression and generalized linear models
11. MANOVA and canonical and predictive discriminant analysis
12. Principal components analysis
13. Correspondence analysis
14. Distances and scaling
15. Cluster analysis
Part III. Archaeological Approaches to Data
16. Spatial analysis
17. Seriation
18. Assemblage diversity
19. Conclusions
20. References.